Dry or freeze currant leaves for the winter

Dried currants are more familiar, such recipes are known to many families. And try to freeze currant leaves for the winter! The result will be different, but the blank will also provide you with summer-flavored vitamin tea.

Dried currant

Is it possible to freeze currant leaves, why drying is better

The most fragrant tea is obtained from fresh currants, in second place according to taste and smell - dried leaf. Tea with frozen herbs will not look like fresh. Frozen currant bush leaves are more suitable for various cocktails, fruit mixes, compotes.

Another argument in favor of drying is a longer shelf life. Frozen greens quickly lose their properties, although it is stored for up to 12 months. Dried currant tea under suitable conditions (ventilated dark and dry place) is stored for years.

Drying Currant Leaves

The argument in favor of freezing is that it stores more vitamins if the procedure is carried out correctly.

When to collect currant leaves

The maximum concentration of nutrients in the leaves of the currant bush is the period strictly before flowering. After the appearance of the ovaries, the green mass will redirect forces from growth to nutrition of the fruits.

Collect leaves from your site, or in those places in which you are sure. It is better to plan the collection for dry weather, so that there is no dew on the leaves. Then they can not be washed and immediately sent for drying or freezing.

If you still have doubts about cleanliness or you had to spray the bushes with various preparations for pests and diseases, then soak for 2-3 weeks after treatment procedures and be sure to rinse the raw materials after collection.

Currant Petals

Take only soft green currant leaves, without cracks, stains, rot and traces of pests. Break off the bush evenly so that it does not weaken!

How to freeze

Currant leaf freezing is quick and easy:

  1. If washing can be avoided, do so. Dry greens are best stored.
  2. After rinsing, lay the currant leaves on a napkin and blot each. Wait for it to dry.
  3. Pour dried greens into pieces or chop with a knife.
  4. Spread the future tea in portions so as not to extract the whole bag and not to suffer with sticky leaves (this happens if there was a lot of moisture in the bag).
  5. For storage, use food bags, film, plastic containers with lids. The main condition is resistance to low temperatures and tightness.
  6. Arrange the currant leaf in packets and try to remove all the air.
  7. Tie tightly or close the lid (you have to tamp the leaves). If using a film, fill it in the center and roll it with a sausage. Place the packaging in the freezer compartment where fruits, vegetables, and herbs are stored.
  8. If the technique allows, set the compartment temperature to –20 or lower.
  9. It is better to sign all servings with currant leaflets so as not to forget the packing date and expiration date.

Freezing currant leaves

purity.bigbadmole.com/en/ magazine draws the attention of its readers that currants should never be thawed and frozen again. This finally spoils all the qualities of the sheet.

Mixes for freezing

Currants are often brewed with raspberries, mint, lemon balm and other garden herbs. Take clean greens or wash and dry the raw materials thoroughly, and then chop and pack, as in the recipe above. By the way, you can use fresh berries for such a tea collection.

Freezing berries and leaves

We advise you to drink plenty of tea from currant leaves when they are fresh and rich in healthy substances. And for the winter, make several different preparations: dried tea, freezing fresh leaves, and mixtures.Compare the result. Somewhere the taste will be more pronounced, somewhere you will get more benefit.

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