Is it possible to store onions in the refrigerator: green, onion, sevok

Onions are stored long enough, both in the room and in the refrigerator or freezing. Green onions are best stored in the cold, but onions prefer warmth or coolness, the same taste and set.

How to store chives

Feathers are contraindicated in fresh air, but rather high humidity is prescribed. If it is incorrect to contain cut green, it either decays or withers and dries.

Green onions in a bag

The easiest ways to keep green onions longer:

  1. In the package: wrap the ends of the leaves with a plastic bag, tie, without squeezing the pulp, and send to the refrigerator. Another option is to put the feathers whole in a bag, but they should stay straight.
  2. In parchment: wrap greens with an unwaxed sheet, soak from a spray bottle, cover with a second layer of paper and place on a refrigerator shelf.
  3. In the dishes: take a box for sausage, a bottle or any other oblong container made of food-grade plastic, glass, earthenware, etc., cut the leaves so that they fit into the dishes without creasing, close the lid and send to the cold.

Chopped green onions

Although green onions love moisture, dampness is contraindicated, so each feather should be dry. Any defects on the leaves are not permissible. Before storage, the onions are sorted and either not washed or left on the fabric for about 1 hour. magazine found an interesting way to preserve green onions for the winter for salads: cut it into rings, pour it into a glass jar, fill it with sunflower oil and refrigerate. In three days you will receive a fragrant and tasty dressing for salads or main dishes.


How to save onion heads? First of all, they need dry air. The less moisture in the upper layers of the vegetable, the longer it will lie. Therefore, after harvesting, the bulbs are laid out in one layer or imposed “oblique” and kept in the air at a temperature of about 24 degrees. If heating appliances work, they dry the air, and this helps the onion. You can dry the onions in a special dryer or in the oven with the door open.


What to do with onion next:

  1. Leave in garlands - they are intricate, in a rustic style, they will decorate a balcony or a pantry, but in a bright kitchen they can turn green.
  2. Fold in wicker / plastic baskets, wooden / cardboard boxes or other “breathing” containers and place in a dark place with dry air, for example, in a pantry, on a balcony, in the corridor under the bag bench, etc. Unsuccessful place - under washing due to high humidity.
  3. Pour into nylon stockings or oblong bags and hang or fold in 1-2 layers, for example, under a closet or on a balcony.

Peeled or even fried onions, which did not go into cooking, can be sent to the refrigerator for a short while. It is best to close it in glass - so it will lie for 2-3 days.

Onions in the refrigerator

So that the onions in the crates do not become damp in the winter, do not spoil and lie for a long time, cover it with chalk or dry shavings - they block excess moisture.

Onion set

Sevc must lie all winter and at the same time not give a needle and not begin to grow. For this, the seed must be well dried. Such bulbs are allowed to be kept both in heat (at 18–20 degrees) and in cold weather, for example, on a glazed loggia or in the pantry, if heating / water pipes do not pass there.

Onion set

Bulbs for planting are also stored in the refrigerator, in a compartment with a temperature not exceeding +2 degrees and preferably with plenty of air.

A very small sevc, less than 1 cm in diameter, is not recommended to be stored: it is easy to dry, so that it will not rise in spring. The best option is to plant it in the fall.In the soil, under a layer of snow, the bulbs will not germinate prematurely, will not dry out and will not freeze.

Some more interesting ways to save onions

Both onions and fresh green onions calmly tolerate freezing, only losing their sharpness - as after scalding, which is often only a plus. You need to wash the onion, let it dry on a towel, cut it, then put it in one layer in trays or on wide plates with sides, make up in piles and send it to the freezer. When the pieces freeze (after about 8 hours) it remains to pour them into packages so that they take up less space. This method will help to obtain a friable spice, and the hostess will not have to break a whole icy piece.

Onions and green

The second original way is salting. Pieces are stacked in glass in layers, each of which generously salts. You can spin the vegetable and greens in the same way as they do with cucumbers or squash - pickled seasoning turns out to be tasty and spicy in taste.

The third unusual method is suitable for both fresh and fried onions. The bottom line is to make the sauce in butter: mix it with onions and any spices to taste. The sauce goes for dressing ready-made meals or for cooking. The main advantage is that onions keep a speck. Keep the workpiece in the freezer.

Chopped onions in bags

And, of course, the green onions are dried: on a sunny balcony or in a special apparatus, in extreme cases, in the oven with the door open (temperature - about 50 degrees, slices - about 5 mm in length and not more than 1 cm in width and height). This seasoning is noticeably inferior in aroma and taste to fresh or salty onions, but it certainly lies for more than one month (especially in closed boxes) and does not acquire an unusual shade in taste.

Feel free to buy a lot of onions in the season when it is full of juices and is inexpensive, do not be afraid to generously plant it in the beds - preserving the vegetable is not a problem, and it will delight you with its taste and benefits all fall, and even winter to spring.

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