Honey in the refrigerator - is it possible and necessary? Weighted Answer

Honey is used in folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of many diseases, because it contains many vitamins and minerals. How to preserve all the valuable properties of the product for the long term? You can store honey in the refrigerator, but this is not necessary.

Jar of honey in the refrigerator

How to store correctly

Honey is usually served on a teaspoon, but it is sold to beekeepers in three-liter jars. There is no need to fear - the product is excellent, and taking it for the future is much more profitable than spending money every month on a small jar in a supermarket. The main thing is to consider three significant criteria:

  1. The permissible temperature is from +20 to –5 °. It is in this mode that honey retains all its beneficial properties for a long time, up to two years.
  2. Under direct sunlight, honey quickly loses both consistency (crystallization accelerates) and benefits. Therefore, it is recommended to keep the product in a dark or dimly lit place.
  3. Humidity plays a less important role. Suppose both normal and elevated levels: from 60 to 80%.

Two jars of honey

Some interesting facts:

  1. Overheating (over 50 degrees) is harmful to the benefits of honey.
  2. With high humidity and heat, honey begins to ferment, and this changes the taste and properties.
  3. Honey with crystals is normal and even preferable, so he preserves himself. But the foam is a symptom of fermentation.
  4. May honey is the fastest to be glucose coated, while September honey is longer.
  5. The product can be frozen, it does not harm the beneficial qualities.

purity.bigbadmole.com/en/ magazine recalls that honey contains many natural sugars and allergens, and also has a warming effect. Therefore, it is not worth it to abuse the product, treat it from heat or give it to young children.

Natural honey

Why cold is optional

Without a refrigerator, it will be perfectly preserved, for example, in a dark, cool pantry. All this is due to the fact that honey is a natural preservative and antiseptic. As experiments showed, the product remains useful and edible even after a few years. White crystals are just glucose, which appears in high-quality honey if it is packaged with liquid, not “sagged,” as beekeepers call it.

Jar of honey

Where to store

Honey is best placed in glass, oak, clay, earthenware and enameled multi-kegs. Specialists categorically do not approve of plastic bottles made from milk, butter, lemonade, kvass, etc. Such a disposable container. In general, plastic dishes (designed for continuous use) are suitable for honey, but still not recommended.

Honey in a glass container

The best place in an apartment or house is kitchen cabinets away from heat sources. A jar can also be put on a shelf in the pantry or cellar. In the refrigerator, the best place is on the door.

As already clear, preserving honey and its beneficial substances is not so difficult. Just mix, pour into small glass jars and put in a cabinet away from the stove and battery. You can keep honey in the refrigerator or cellar.

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