Why is it impossible to store empty cans and old things at home?

Clothing, shoes, furniture, textiles, dishes and appliances - all things in the house carry their own energy. It is not for nothing that for several millennia there have been practices in home improvement and storage of things, among which the most popular is Feng Shui. Is it possible to keep old things in the house according to popular wisdom, how to store them correctly? Signs say that this is not worth doing, but it concerns "ownerless" things that are not used.

Empty cans in the house: signs and superstitions

The people have many signs regarding different objects and situations. Often the culprits of life's troubles are assigned harmless household items, for example, empty cans. Their storage in the house leads to an outflow of finances, quarrels, illnesses and various misfortunes.

Empty cans

It’s worth mentioning right away: only those banks that are not used, but continue to hang around on the shelves, collect dust and negative energy. For housewives who annually engage in spins, glass containers are an integral attribute that has nothing to do with "trash". More about this later, but first we’ll dwell on what is still bad in an empty glass container:

  1. An empty can symbolizes wasted life. For an active and active person and family man this is an unacceptable element in the economy.
  2. An empty tank is a sign of poverty. That is why empty banks blame financial failures.
  3. Storage of empty and dirty cans is especially discouraged. This is direct evidence of disrespect for the house, and if you believe in them, then to the brownies.
  4. Do not store cracked glass, and it’s not just about signs. Broken and glued dishes symbolize poverty, injuries attract quarrels in the family, illnesses of relatives. Such a container is dangerous: it can break at any moment and damage health.

All superstitions apply to empty glass bottles. In general, we are talking about things that in vain occupy a place in a house / apartment. Therefore, purity.bigbadmole.com/en/ recommends throwing away what is not useful and keeping the rest clean. From time to time, whisking dust from dishes, you will not forget about it and use it for its intended purpose, when necessary.

According to legend, a broken glass jar in the house is a “bell”: think about what you should urgently fix in your life.

Why you should not keep old things

Our well-being and prosperity largely depend on the situation in the house. Please note that at a clean desk fresh ideas come faster, in the tidy kitchen, the food tastes better, and in a neatly furnished bedroom, sleep and personal life are adjusted. Old things are a very tangible reason for various life difficulties.

Old things

Firstly, trash is the main obstacle to the flow of vital energy and the emergence of something new. Old things take their place, and keeping them means putting off positive changes. For everything new, there is simply no place both literally and figuratively.

There are items that do not just clutter up the house, but also do not allow some bad situations to settle out. They are stored as memories in an apartment, poisoning the atmosphere. Here are some old things you need to get rid of urgently:

  1. Old shoes. This is especially true for those shoes that are no longer suitable for wearing, even in the country.
  2. Moth-eaten clothing.
  3. Broken and glued objects. Mirrors are especially dangerous - these magical attributes in a cracked form will not attract anything but troubles into the house.And there is a danger of accidentally cutting yourself using dishes with chips.
  4. Old dishes It is dangerous not only by chips, but also by the fact that harmful bacteria accumulate in it. So you can inadvertently get poisoned.
  5. Malfunctioning clock symbolize stagnation and even death. Either repair if the thing has value, or dispose of it.
  6. Household appliances that are out of orderpulls the normally working devices.
  7. There is also informational garbage that needs to be disposed of as soon as possible: magazines, newspapers, calendars, some books, photographs and other images with a negative message. We ourselves do not notice how the pictures and inscriptions affect our emotional state.
  8. Ritual objectsDefective amulets, stuffed animals and animal skins, horns, shells and even dried flowers are also considered unfavorable.
  9. Mud. That sounds silly, but don't keep it in the house. Items that will be needed in the future, send to the closet washed and cleaned. Remove dust from shelves, objects, and clothing covers regularly.
  10. Old cleaning accessories. They already regularly collect not the most positive energies. The most undesirable item for cleaning is an old peeling broom. Moreover, do not keep the old broken mop left from the previous owners in the house - someone else’s negativity will easily stick to your house.

Old newspapers, dishes, watches and things

The second, no less important reason to throw junk is health problems. Popular beliefs say that littering is a direct path to diseases, both physical and mental.

Storage of the deceased's things is permissible only as a memory, and the use of such items can overshadow the energy of the room. Store such items separately.

Note: in apartments and houses, where it is always cleaned, harmonious relations reign in the family. And vice versa: if the premises are in ruins, something needs repair, everywhere there is dirt and unnecessary junk, people often quarrel, do not understand each other. Repair and cluttering in this case can be a positive practice on the way to harmonizing relations.

Things of other hosts

If you drove into a new apartment, and there were things from the previous owners, then we advise you to get rid of them. How do you know how these people were, how relationships were built in their family? Things bear a strong imprint of the previous owner. If he had bad thoughts, all this can migrate into your life.

Junk in the house

How to harmonize space and energy

If something causes you noticeable psychological and physical discomfort, then think - is this thing needed on the farm? Think about the practical side of the question: will you ever use these old tattered slippers, faded sweaters and stretched T-shirts? If things can be used on the farm, find a new role for them or give them to those in need. If not, throw it away.

What to do with banks? Mistresses, who regularly engage in procurement and believe in signs, recommend placing empty containers not in residential premises. In the pantry, garage, on the mezzanine, in another utility room. There they will lie quietly until their next use and will not cause disaster, and in addition, they will not interfere underfoot, spoil the appearance of the rooms, and a random push will not break a valuable container.

Banks and blanks in the pantry

If the rack with empty cans has nowhere to put, except for the kitchen or residential loggia, use the trick: turn the cans upside down or fill them with dry products, various trifles, colored sand or beads. In any case, the jars should be clean - this is important for the energy sector, and for aesthetics, and hygiene, because afterwards the food will fit in the container.

After cleaning, fill the house with fresh energy - you will immediately feel it. By themselves, some conflict situations that were provoked by an excessive amount of trash will be resolved. Instead of items that carry negativity, put what you love in a prominent place. Get indoor flowers with positive symbols, buy new curtains, new dishes, etc.

House cleanliness

But what is still worth storing? Old things that carry positive energy in themselves, pleasant memories. Even if it is a useless souvenir, it will delight the eye and fill the house with cosiness.

People’s wisdom is not always to be ignored: listen to these tips if any phenomena related to old things cause you vague concern. But do not get carried away by superstitions, remember: we ourselves empower signs.

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  1. Vladimir
    08/04/2024 at 11:38 Reply

    You would, for a laugh, give at least one or two examples, and this is verbiage and nothing more.

    • Katya
      08/10/2024 at 21:09

      Very good and necessary article. Many thanks to the author.

  2. Katya
    08/10/2024 at 21:29 Reply

    Loved the article. Many thanks to the author.

  3. Oksana
    08/18/2024 at 18:09 Reply

    About old dishes and bacteria - schizoid delirium

  4. Elena
    10.30.2019 at 12:59 Reply

    And this is in the 21st century! Oksana. You are right! It is tougher than the eyelashes of a calf and lips from carp.


