The subtleties of storing cereals and other bulk products

Any housewife should have an idea of ​​how to store products, including non-perishable ones: rice and other cereals, pasta, flour, sugar, tea, etc. The temperature regime, humidity level, and the selected container for bulk products - all this value. Indeed, it is often improper storage that leads to food spoilage. And spoiled products not only lose their taste, but also become hazardous to health.

Improper storage of bulk products

What is the danger of improper storage of products?

One of the enemies of bulk products, especially cereals, is mold, which usually develops due to the increased humidity in the kitchen. By multiplying, it destroys products, as a result, an unpleasant smell is released, toxins are formed. Eating mold-affected foods is hazardous to health.

In bulk products, insects can also appear. One of the common pests is Surinamese mukoed. This is a brown bug, which is planted in flour, different varieties of cereals, dried fruits. Unlike microorganisms, insects do not destroy cereals, but pollute them. But with a high concentration, pests or their waste products can lead to food poisoning.

Expired products, although visually looking normal, lose their taste and useful properties. Even if you know how to store cereals, it is important to remember that bulk products cannot be stored forever. If you prefer to be procured for the future, first try to cook from products purchased long ago. And in order not to mix anything up, you can stick stickers on the containers with the date the content was bookmarked.

Of cereals, oatmeal quickly deteriorates - for 4-6 months, and cereals with all kinds of additives are stored even less. Rice can be stored for about 1.5 years, peas and buckwheat - up to 2. The remaining cereals should be consumed within 9-12 months. Simple pasta lasts about 1 year. A pasta with various additives, such as tomato, it is recommended to store no longer than 3-5 months.


Annually arrange an audit in the kitchen, during which check the expiration dates of the contents of the cabinets and, if necessary, throw away everything spoiled.

Set for storing food in the kitchen

Basic storage rules

To avoid problems with products in your kitchen, carefully study them in the store. Damaged packaging, sticky grains, foreign inclusions among grains - all this indicates that the goods should not be bought. If it is not possible to evaluate the product visually, for example, if it is sold in an opaque bag or box, focus on the production date and the recommended shelf life.

Despite the fact that measures are being taken to prevent the infection of cereals with insects, unpleasant exceptions do occur. Therefore, before you remove the cereal for storage, it is recommended to check it again for mold and larvae and pour it from the store container. Some people prefer to leave rice and other cereals in plastic bags. But this is not recommended: they can dampen products, "suffocate" and get an unpleasant smell and taste.

It's better store flour, rice, sugar and other products in closed jars and containers. Before you put something in a jar for storage, it must be washed well with a cleaning agent and dried. For storing food in large volumes, a linen bag boiled in saline is suitable.Matter allows the products to “breathe” and not to lie down, and the salt barrier prevents insects from getting inside.

Bulk products should not be stored in the sun. The best place for them is a kitchen cabinet. It is dark, cool and dry there - these are the best conditions for bulk products. Sugar bags should not be placed directly on the floor. They are best placed on a pallet away from sources of moisture and heat.

Storage of cereals and pasta

Useful Tips

  1. During storage, the humidity in the room should not exceed 65-70%, and the temperature - 19-20 degrees.
  2. For semolina, pearl barley, millet and oatmeal, cool storage is desirable. Otherwise, they may acquire a bitter taste. This is due to the fact that at a temperature above 16-18 degrees, vegetable fat may go rancid. If you are unable to maintain this temperature, buy these cereals in small volumes.
  3. Storage of cereals in the basement, poorly ventilated and damp rooms is inadmissible.
  4. Do not add sugar, flour and spices with a wet or damp spoon. A wet product can not only lose its qualities, but also mold. For the same reason, do not keep open containers with bulk products above the pan or pan when something is being cooked there.
  5. Do not store salt, sugar, flour, rice, and other cereals in open packages near foods that have a strong odor. These products include spices, dried mushrooms and herbs.
  6. Also, cleaners and detergents containing odorous fragrances should not be near the storage location for bulk products.
  7. To preserve the palatability of the products and protect them from spoilage, try not to make bulk purchases without special need. Better to update stocks as you use them.

Storage containers for cereals and pasta

What should be the dishes for storage?

Glass, ceramic, plastic and other containers for storing cereals, sugar and tea can be found in stores in large quantities and at different prices. Many housewives choose a set of containers, based on aesthetic preferences, as well as the design features of the kitchen. In order for bulk products to maintain freshness and taste, in addition to appearance, a number of indicators should be taken into account.

Flour, cereal, and bean products can have moths and bugs. Also in the kitchen, where food is constantly being prepared, there are extraneous odors. You don’t want your tea to smell like fried meat? That is why the dishes should be tight, and the lid - tight. In addition, in a sealed container, the products are not afraid of increased humidity. The covers with gaskets do an excellent job of this task. A good option is hinged lids with latches, which allow you to store food in tightly closed or in ventilated containers.

If you prefer to store food on open shelves, choose an opaque container that will not allow light to pass through. The material from which the dishes are made must not have any odors. For example, containers made of low-quality plastic have a very unpleasant odor, which can be transferred to products. It is worth considering that some materials absorb aromas well. This means that dishes made from such materials will retain the smell of contents for a long time. For example, a wooden container after storing coffee in it may smell of this product for several more years.

No less important is the size and shape of the container. A set of square or rectangular containers, unlike cylindrical ones, will take up less space, which will allow more products to fit in one cabinet. If you want to use the space efficiently, choose containers whose height is as close as possible to the height of the shelf. If you have a large family in which products are consumed very quickly, it is better to give preference to large containers. For cereals, which you rarely eat, small dishes are also suitable.

Worth knowing

Many make a serious mistake: take cereals, such as rice, on top of the container, then add a fresh portion, and then again take the rice from above.Thus, the cereal located at the bottom is not used at all. This can lead to spoilage of the product, as well as the appearance of moths and bugs. Keep in mind that bulk containers must be completely empty from time to time.

Wooden containers for cereals

Bulk Product Container Overview

  • Glass

Glass jars are considered ideal for storing non-perishable foods. Through the transparent walls it is clearly visible what is stored in them. Glass containers are easy to clean, they do not absorb odors. The main disadvantage is that the glass can easily break. Today, there are dishes from shock-resistant material on sale, but their cost is higher than usual. Products placed in transparent glass jars can only be stored in a dark place.

  • Plastic

The choice of shapes, colors and sizes of plastic containers is quite extensive. They have a low cost, are lightweight and compact. But plastic containers are not recommended for seasoning. Many spices, interacting with plastic, emit toxic substances.

Over time, the plastic may crack, deform under the influence of high temperatures, become cloudy or yellow. Another minus: some types of plastic have a persistent unpleasant odor. Before buying, be sure to smell the container: a faint smell will disappear over time, but you should not buy containers with a sharp chemical smell. And pay attention to the lid: not all plastic containers have a snug fit.

  • Ceramics

Ceramic jars are not only comfortable, but also very beautiful. They are opaque, but you can buy a set in which you can easily determine what is in each bank by color and pattern. Ceramic cans have no odors and are easy to clean. Do not take containers where the lid simply lies on the bank and does not fit snugly against it. It is better to give preference to banks equipped with silicone gaskets.

  • Metal

Metal containers are light and durable, but not the most practical. Such cans can give products a light metallic flavor. In addition, excessive humidity in the kitchen can cause rust, which is not good for your health. If you still decide to give preference to metal containers, choose high-quality stainless steel containers that are not susceptible to corrosion.

  • Wood

Wooden containers look very colorful and interesting, but most products are not suitable for storage. They absorb moisture and odors, do not differ in tightness, they are difficult to wash. In addition, such vessels are usually not equipped with airtight caps. Wooden containers are convenient for storing bay leaves, dried herbs and salt.


When buying a ceramic container, do not confuse it with melamine - a material that is toxic and harmful to humans. Despite the resemblance to ceramics, it is easy to distinguish such dishes: at the bottom of the melamine product there is a sign in the form of the letter “M”.

Spice storage

Features storage of spices

There are many natural aromatic additives - these are spicy herbs, dried inflorescences, roots, etc. Seasonings cannot spoil or sour. But if stored improperly, they can lose their taste and aroma. In general, when storing spices, you must follow the same recommendations as when storing all other bulk products. But there are several nuances that are definitely worth considering.

First of all, it is necessary to consider the shelf life of spices. Seeds are stored up to 3-4 months, herbs - 1-2 years, ground spices - no more than 1 year. Record holders for shelf life among spices are cinnamon, pepper and cloves. Spices in inflorescences or pots are best grinded immediately before adding to the dish, since when ground they lose their properties faster.

Many people buy condiments in bags, which, after opening, lose their tightness. To preserve the taste and aroma, it is better to pour seasoning into small ceramic or glass jars.Do not forget that spices do not like overheating, so they should not be stored next to a gas stove. Red pepper seasonings (paprika, chili) are best stored in the refrigerator. For other spices, refrigeration is not required.

Bay leaf

Folk secrets for long storage

  • To prevent insects in the purchased cereal, put it in the freezer for 1-3 days directly in the packaging from the manufacturer. You can also bake the cereals in a pan, in the oven, or in the microwave.
  • Put red hot pepper in the rice. Pepper will not only protect the rice from insects, but also prevent the appearance of a musty smell.
  • A rag bag with salt can be put on the bottom of the container with grits.
  • Also in rice you can put an unpeeled garlic clove or a slice of dried lemon peel. Chestnut will also help protect cereals from the appearance of bugs and worms.
  • In a flour, put a piece of twisted foil, a metal spoon or bay leaf.
  • Very often, salt coalesces in lumps. To avoid this, put rice in it (a few grains will be enough).
  • Ants can be found in sugar. To prevent them from appearing, put a few dry orange or lemon peels in a sugar bag.
  • To prevent the appearance of bugs during the general cleaning, wipe the kitchen cabinet with a solution of vinegar. And to get rid of the smell of vinegar, put cotton swabs dipped in lavender oil on the shelves.
  • To keep the cupboards dry, place laurel leaves or glass cups with lime in the corners. You can also put several open containers with salt, which absorbs moisture and disinfects.

Compliance with all storage conditions of products not only protects your stocks from spoilage, but also allows you to maintain cleanliness and order in the kitchen. If you still overlooked something, and this led to the appearance of mold or insects, get rid of these products without regret. Do not save on your health.

We recommend reading the article on how to store flour at home

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    10/22/2024 at 11:59 Reply

    Thank you so much for the selection of tips, very useful. Many did not know.

  2. Marina
    11/10/2024 at 20:05 Reply

    Useful article. Thanks .

  3. Tatyana
    08/13/2024 at 21:24 Reply

    Thank you very much needed article

  4. Nadia
    12/05/2024 at 18:14 Reply


  5. Tatyana
    05/16/2024 at 14:17 Reply

    Cognitively Brief Without unnecessary "water" Very useful information. Thanks.

  6. Anna
    10/10/2024 at 09:04 Reply

    Thanks, very helpful article. Just moving, shaking and updating everything.

  7. Irina
    11/06/2024 at 16:26 Reply

    Thanks, very helpful


