Now it will not be lost: 7 ways to store garlic in a glass jar all winter

Experienced housewives know how to store garlic in a jar so that it stays fresh and fragrant all winter. In the cold season, it is useful to pamper yourself with sharp teeth. They charge the body with vitamins, minerals, volatile, help strengthen the immune system and prevent viral infections. An ordinary glass jar is ideal for storing garlic. It is only important to create suitable conditions for a finicky onion culture: temperature, humidity and light.

Freshly Picked Garlic

Harvesting and storage preparation

50% depends on the correct harvesting and preparation activities for how long the product will be stored in a glass jar. We give you step-by-step instructions.

Digging garlic

Step 1. Check the maturity

Overripe garlic will not be stored as whole heads for long.

What time is good for harvesting?

  • if winter variety - end of July;
  • if the spring variety is the end of August.

In a ripened culture, the stems adhere to the ground, the scales on the cloves become dry and thin (almost transparent). But the easily crumbling head and the presence of cracks are clear signs of overriding. Overripe garlic will not work for a long time to keep in its entire form.

Step 2. Dig Heads Out of the Ground

Dig out the head carefully so as not to damage it. Experienced vegetable growers gently pry the soil with a pitchfork, and then take out the garlic by hand.

Harvesting should be done in dry and warm weather. For 2 weeks, stop watering and slightly rake the ground from the heads.


Step 3. Dry the garlic

Before harvesting, the heads are cleaned from the ground with hands and dried. If weather forecasters promise warm weather, after digging, leave the vegetable for 5-7 days directly in the garden. Do not cut stems and roots, because for some time the heads will absorb useful substances from them.

Then transfer the garlic to a dry, warm, well-ventilated area. For example, on a balcony or a summer veranda. Using scissors or a pruner, trim the stems to 5–10 mm, and the roots to 2–3 mm. Leave the heads to dry for 2 weeks. Avoid direct sunlight on the garlic, otherwise it will dry out.

Heads of garlic

Step 4. Perform the disinfection procedure.

Ripe dry garlic is fully prepared for long-term storage. It does not need to be washed before being placed in a glass jar.

But what if the bulbs are overripe? Then, to increase the shelf life, you need to perform the disinfection procedure. To do this, add 10 drops of iodine to the hot sunflower oil, mix. Dip each head into the solution and then dry.

To prevent bulb sprouting, experienced vegetable growers advise slightly scorching the roots on an open fire. You can use a regular lighter.

Sterilizing cans in the oven

Step 5. Prepare a Glass Jar

To store whole heads, it is better to use a three-liter jar. The container must be thoroughly washed, sterilized and dried.

Heads of garlic

How to store whole heads of garlic - 3 ways

What is the main advantage of storing whole heads of garlic? So it retains a maximum of nutrients and can be used for cooking any dishes.In winter, the product is practically no different from the just harvested crop.

Consider three storage methods that experienced vegetable growers offer.

Garlic heads in a glass jar

Classic version

Put the prepared dry garlic in a clean three-liter jar. Do not cover the container with a lid, otherwise the heads will not be able to “breathe” and will quickly rot.

Ideal storage conditions:

  • humidity in the room - no more than 60%;
  • temperature - 15–20 degrees;
  • lack of direct sunlight;
  • fresh air circulation.

Where is the best place to put a glass jar? A glazed balcony, a winter garden, an upper kitchen cabinet are well suited. Do not store the product near heat sources: stoves, microwaves, heating radiators. Cellar and basement are also bad options, as there is high humidity.

In the refrigerator, the heads of garlic are not stored as well as at room temperature. They partially lose moisture and saturation of taste.

With flour

Storage conditions are the same as in the previous paragraph. Only garlic should be stacked in a glass jar in rows and sprinkled with layers of flour 4-5 cm each. So the bulbs will not touch each other. If one of them starts to rot, it will not spoil the rest of the heads.

In addition, flour absorbs moisture. It protects the product from mold, rot and microbial growth.

Head of garlic in salt

With salt

Storage of garlic with salt resembles the previous method. The heads should be laid in rows and sprinkled with layers of salt 2-3 cm.

Salt has the following advantages:

  • perfectly disinfects the product - protects against the growth of microbes and fungi;
  • draws excess moisture;
  • allows you to keep the bulbs fresh until spring.

Coarse rock salt is more suitable for storing garlic. A small one (for example, iodized) is better not to use, since the manufacturer processes it with harmful components against caking.

How to store peeled garlic cloves - 4 ways

If you have collected overripe garlic, it is best to immediately use the product as food or prepare in the form of peeled cloves. The most popular storage methods are listed below.

Garlic cloves in oil with spices

In sunflower oil

Rinse the heads and clean the cloves from the scales. Put the product in a glass jar and pour refined sunflower (olive) oil. Add spices to your taste, such as bay leaves, black pepper peas or Italian herbs. Close the container with a lid, shake well so that the cloves are saturated with aromatic liquid.

Store the product in a refrigerator or freezer. At room temperature, bacteria of the clostridium botulinum genus can multiply in the preform, so it is better not to risk health.

Chopping garlic


Make mashed potatoes using a crush or blender. Mix with olive oil in a 1: 2 ratio, add oregano or another aromatic spice. Store mashed garlic in a glass jar in the refrigerator or freezer.

Garlic in Wine Vinegar

In wine or wine vinegar

The procurement method is exactly the same as in the case of sunflower oil. Place the garlic cloves in a glass jar, fill to the top with dry wine (both red and white will do) or white wine vinegar. You can add dried Italian herbs, bay leaves or hot spices to the bowl. Then shake the jar.

Store garlic in the refrigerator. Shelf life is 4 months.


In dried form

Drying allows you to save garlic throughout the year. You can use one of the following methods:

  • Vegetable dryer. For the workpiece, only large and hard teeth are suitable. Cut them into thin circles and place in the appliance. Choose the appropriate temperature regime following the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Oven. Cover the pan with parchment paper. Put prepared thin circles on it. Dry the garlic for 2 hours at a temperature of 60 degrees. Then reduce the heat to 50–55 degrees and leave the cloves to dry until ready.

Properly dried garlic has a pale yellow color and crunches loudly if cracked.Store it in a small glass jar without covering it with a lid.

In addition, you can mix dry garlic and sea salt in a ratio of 1: 3, and then chop in a blender. It will turn out a very tasty and healthy seasoning, which is ideal for meat and fish dishes.


If you use one of the methods described in the article, then save the garlic not only for the winter, but also until the end of spring. The body will receive vitamin nourishment and protection against viruses year-round. Garlic will improve the taste of many dishes: stew, pilaf, soup, fried vegetables. Instead of buying stale heads in the store, it is better to grow and harvest the bulb culture yourself.

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  1. zinaida
    10/09/2024 at 15:38 Reply

    I store in coarse salt in a plastic bucket under the sink for many years. Saved until the next harvest perfectly.

  2. Olga
    11/14/2024 at 09:07 Reply

    There was no smell in the bank for a month. Some smell. Everything did as it was written.


