Storage time of peeled potatoes in cold water

If you accidentally left several unused but already peeled potatoes during the preparation of dinner, do not rush to throw them away. For some time they will wait in line in a basin of cold water. The storage time of peeled potatoes in cold water is several hours or a day.

Cooking potatoes

Is it possible to store peeled potatoes in water

After cleaning, the tubers quickly darken and deteriorate: after half an hour, the tyrosine amino acid begins to oxidize under the influence of air. Hence the dark grayish spots that discourage appetite.

peeling potatoes

The peeled and unused tuber can be saved in an elegant way - just put it in cold clean water. It protects the fruit from contact with air, but remember: the longer the potato is stored in this way, the more tasteless it becomes.

How long to store: tips

Use clean, cold water and a deep container to completely cover the potatoes. Place a suitable lid on top.

Remember to rinse the peeled tuber thoroughly before dipping it in water.

peeled potatoes in water magazine recommends keeping potatoes this way for no more than 4-5 hours. After that, it still begins to darken and deteriorate, and beneficial substances pass into the water. By the way, do not cut the potatoes too finely, otherwise the nutrients will go into the water faster.

Before cooking soaked potatoes, do not forget to rinse it again in running water. Please note: if foam appears in the container in which the potato was lying, it is better not to use the product: this is a sign of fermentation.

potatoes in water with foam

Some additives, such as lemon juice or whole slices of this citrus, help slow down the fermentation processes. Then you do not need to defrost the fruits, otherwise they will lose their taste. Just start cooking them right away.

To leave the potatoes the next day, it is better to send the dishes overnight in the refrigerator. If you have a longer shelf life, then the water should be replaced with fresh daily, or even better - cut and freeze.

frozen potatoes

The best approach is to accurately calculate the number of potatoes and the volume of dishes so that there are no extra tubers. But if the calculation was not justified, the fruits will calmly wait for the next cooking in the refrigerator, in a deep container with cold and slightly acidified water.

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