Can alcohol be stored in a plastic bottle or canister?

Today, many houses store liquids containing alcohol: expensive collection alcohol, disinfectant solutions, technical fluids for various purposes. But not everyone knows that storing alcohol in a plastic bottle is highly discouraged. Ethanol can slowly dissolve polymers, so you can not store it in plastic. We will figure out which container is suitable for storing alcohol solutions, and we will name the most common errors during storage.

Alcohol in plastic bottles

In which containers can alcohol be stored?

From a chemical point of view, ethyl alcohol is an effective solvent. During long-term storage, it can interact with the materials from which the container is made. In addition, ethanol is very volatile, so it evaporates from loosely closed containers.

Another storage problem is slow oxidation when in contact with air. The products of this process spoil the taste and increase the toxicity of alcoholic beverages.

For storage of alcohol solutions at home, containers made of the following materials are completely unsuitable:

  • Most polymers. These are PVC, polystyrene, polypropylene and many others. Toxic substances entering the solution from collapsing plastic damage the liver, kidneys and other vital organs. To determine whether plastic is suitable for storing alcohol, labeling in the form of a triangle will help. If it contains numbers from "3" to "7", the capacity for storing alcohol is not suitable.
  • Aluminum. On the walls of the aluminum flask there is a thin layer of chemically resistant oxide, but if this film is damaged, the “winged metal” quickly forms salts - alcoholates. Aluminum hydroxide released during the hydrolysis of alcoholates also actively destroys the protective film. As a result of these reactions, the alcohol will be contaminated with harmful substances, and the flask will become worthless.
  • Galvanized and enameled steel dishes. The reasons are the same: the slightest destruction of the protective coating will cause the gradual destruction of the metal and the ingress of toxic compounds into the stored liquid.
  • Crystal glassware. Crystal contains poisonous lead oxide, which will come into solution during long-term storage.

Duty Free shops sell alcoholic drinks in plastic containers. But this is not a violation for two reasons. Firstly, safe plastics are used (marking with the numbers “1” and “2”). Secondly, plastic bottles are intended only for short-term storage (1-2 days).

Alcohol in a steel jar

How can I store alcohol?

The most suitable material for storing alcoholic beverages is glass. It does not matter what is stored in it - medical alcohol or raw, glass will not react with the components. With a reliable cork, it will not allow ethanol to evaporate. The only drawback of the material is its fragility.

To prevent the glass from breaking during a careless impact, use protective cases. You can buy such a case or make it yourself. One of the suitable materials for its manufacture is foam. It is easy to cut parts from it, and to connect them with each other, use foam.

An alternative to glass can be:

  • Stainless steel. In steel containers, ethanol is delivered to hospitals, industrial enterprises, etc. Canisters with a capacity of 21.5 liters are stored centrally for a long time. To prevent alcohol from oxidizing, the canister is equipped with a sealed lid that does not allow air to pass through.
  • Barrels of oak. This container is better for expensive alcohol. The tree enriches the drink with tannins, allows it to breathe, improving the taste and aromatic qualities.Oak barrels are great for storing brandy, whiskey, etc. But if cleanliness is important (for example, for technical liquids), then wooden barrels are not suitable.

You can pick up containers for storing alcohol in any home. Even an ordinary three-liter jar provides safe storage for 1-2 years.


How to store alcohol at home?

In addition to the right choice of dishes, it is important to observe storage conditions. To store ethanol solutions at home correctly, they select a place inaccessible to children of pets. It must also be protected from direct sunlight, humidity and temperature.

Both ethanol and its vapors are flammable. Therefore, it is important that there is no open flame, sparking wires or other sources of flame in the storage area. Flammable solutions with a concentration of 50%. Alcohol is flammable in vapors even at 40% concentration.

Glass Bottles with Ethanol

At what temperature should alcohol be stored?

High temperatures are dangerous for vodka, and for medical alcohol. They accelerate the oxidation processes. Therefore, a cool place is better for storage. It is permissible to store the solution with a concentration of 90% and at a temperature below 0 ° C. It will not freeze (but additives may crystallize).

Thus, ethanol and its solutions can be stored in a cool place protected from light and dampness in a glass or steel container. So the shelf life will reach 5 years or more.

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leave a comment
  1. Vasya
    06/17/2024 at 11:57 Reply

    I only store my pervochka in glass, if you pour it into plastic, the taste is not the same.

  2. Olya
    06/17/2024 at 11:03 Reply

    In dyutik, alcohol in plastic - Haaa - for quick use - and you can’t drink on airplanes 🙂

  3. Wizard
    06/17/2024 at 18:51 Reply

    Well, shit! ! ! Only an idiot does not know that Pet 1 - 3 bottles are technical and for short-term storage, but for non-one-time use they are suitable - either PP in a triangle - or 5! . . . If only to cut down the BABLA, and do not give a shit about you: slurp - poison yourself!

    • KIO
      09/01/2024 at 14:08

      Only fools in the European Union do not know this.

  4. Alex
    07.24.2019 at 15:30 Reply

    On the plastic container there should be a food mark fork and a glass. And then storage for 2-3 months in a cool place. Tested personally.

  5. Glory
    09/01/2024 at 07:55 Reply

    Keep pets away from children ...


