Is it possible to freeze greens and onions? Authentically About Freezing

Freezing chives is easy. Spending 10-15 minutes, you will provide the family with tasty, fragrant and healthy herbs for the whole winter. In addition, you can save a lot of money, because in the summer it is much cheaper with a feather.

Frozen Chives

Frost and vitamins

Onion is extremely useful. Its green feathers contain B vitamins1, IN2, IN3, IN4, IN9, C, A, E and K. In addition, there is folic acid, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur and calcium. A whole pharmacy!

Some sources claim that vitamins and minerals are destroyed after freezing. So, feather onions in the freezer will lose all the healing properties. It is a myth. Vitamins are destroyed in the light, under the influence of high temperatures, as a result of oxidation, that is, under the influence of air. Preservation and drying will destroy nutrients much more effectively than freezing. Even lying on the shelf of the refrigerator for a couple of days, greens will lose a lot of nutrients. Minus temperatures will retain most of the nutrients.

Here's how the most capricious vitamin, ascorbic acid, is destroyed:

  • When frozen, foods lose only 10-15% of this nutrient.
  • When washing and cutting disappears up to 30%.
  • On a shelf of a refrigerator, a bunch of greens in 7 days will lose up to 50% of vitamin C.
  • Thermal preservation will give the same result.
  • Drying will kill up to 70% of the nutrient.

Therefore, storing greens in the freezer in winter is the best option.

Portion Freezing Chives

How to freeze onions properly?

Choose the most beautiful and juicy greens. The feathers should be resilient, dark green, without yellowness or dark spots. Pay particular attention to the white tips of the shoots. If you see traces of rot, refuse to purchase. Rot does not appear immediately. If the shoots begin to deteriorate, this means that they have been standing in the water for more than a day. Greens have lost a lot of vitamins, it is just saturated with moisture, so it seems fresh. But there is no use in it.

At home, rinse a bunch of onions with cold water and wrap in a paper towel to remove excess moisture. Then dry the shoots, but in a shaded place.

Then prepare the onions for long-term storage:

  1. finely chop;
  2. distribute in sealed bags;
  3. remove the air from the packaging and close it carefully;
  4. put the workpieces in the freezer.

Properly caught feathers are stored all winter without losing their beneficial properties. In the second year, it is better not to leave the onion.

Frozen greens

Useful Tips

To make the product tasty and healthy, in no case do not wash the already chopped onions. So you destroy most of the vitamins.

For packaging, use small bags for 1 serving of greens. Frozen foods do not tolerate heat. If you constantly get a large container of onions from the freezer, soon a thick frost will appear on the greenery, it will become watery and tasteless.

If you don’t have a vacuum, use regular zip bags and a cocktail tube:

  1. Fill the bag with greens, insert the tube into it and fasten the “zipper” as tightly as possible.
  2. Then run your hand over the packaging, squeezing out the excess air. He will leave through the hole in the tube.
  3. Quickly pull out the tube and close the bag to the end.

To get the most healthy dish, use frozen onions at the very end of cooking. It is better to sprinkle with greens not hot, but warm food, and do this immediately before serving. Of course, feathers must first be thawed at room temperature.

You can make a "cocktail" of greens. Prepare not only onions, but also dill, parsley, cilantro, basil according to the scheme described above.There are no restrictions - use any greens you love. Thoroughly mix the slices and pack the assorted zip bags.

Butter with greens

Fragrant oil

Some housewives procure fragrant butter for the winter, pre-mixing it with herbs and spices.

You will need:

  • butter - soft, plastic, but not melted;
  • green onions;
  • any aromatic herbs to taste;
  • spices - also to taste;
  • some salt.

Combine the onions, herbs and oil, add spices and slightly salt, so that the seasoning is not fresh. Pack the workpiece in sachets or freezing tins. If you are using molds, then remove the cubes of oil and put them in a vacuum container.

This can be added to soups and side dishes instead of regular butter. It is very tasty to put slices of such freezing in cutlets or meat rolls - the dish turns out to be unusually juicy and aromatic.

Sprouted onions on the windowsill

Sprouted greens

If you do not want to freeze greens, try growing it. Pour in a small jar of water and put the onion there. Immerse it in water up to half or slightly higher, but do not “sink” it. Put the jar on the sunny windowsill. In a week you can sprinkle sandwiches with fragrant herbs.

For germination, choose homemade onions, springy and juicy. In stores, the tips of the bulbs are often trimmed so that the roots do not grow. It is impossible to germinate such a product.

Do not count on much. Winter greens grown on window sills are pale and watery. Both taste and aroma, it is inferior to summer juicy feathers. Vitamins in sprouted onions are also less - they simply have nowhere to come from. Summer onion grows in the garden; it has fertile soil and an unlimited amount of sunlight. It is impossible to create the same conditions on the windowsill no matter how hard you try. Even frozen summer greens are more useful than sprouted.

Dried green onions

Dried seasoning

Many onions are dried. To do this, the prepared feathers are finely chopped and cleaned in a dry, warm place with good ventilation. Make sure that the sun does not fall on the greens: they destroy vitamins. You can dry onion feathers under a canopy in the balcony or in the attic. In 3-4 days you will get a fragrant seasoning. True, the aroma will change, in addition, the spicy pungency will disappear, but some even like it.

Dryers should not be used. At high temperatures and aggressive ventilation, the greens will dry quickly, but lose all the vitamins.

So, freezing a green onion for the winter is a great idea. It will retain most of the nutrients and even after thawing it will be tastier than the feather grown on the windowsill in the cold season.

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leave a comment
  1. Olga
    06/25/2024 at 21:43 Reply

    Thank you, for the article I went to freeze onions from the garden.

    • Sveta
      06/25/2024 at 21:37

      Olga, it’s good that you have onions growing in the garden. I don’t trust bazaar grandmothers, they grow greens on a hydroponic plant. Such greens do more harm than good.

  2. Serge
    06/25/2024 at 21:31 Reply

    Is it better to buy dried food in a store?

    • Lily
      06/26/2024 at 15:58

      For future use it is necessary to harvest if there is a surplus from the garden, and so we have all the greens for the whole year at the same price in the store

  3. Olga
    06/26/2024 at 19:09 Reply

    And I freeze the onion arrows. I cut in ringlets (it is not necessary closer to the bulb, it is very tough), I freeze it, put it in the soup instead of the turnip.

  4. Natalia
    06/28/2024 at 18:31 Reply

    Have you ever tried to eat thawed green onions? If parsley and dill retain their shape, then the onion sags into snot. Byayaaya!

    • Svetlana
      07/02/2024 at 13:51

      Absolutely not! I’ve frozen the onions for several years, the taste and color do not change after defrosting, and add to the salad and first courses, it’s very tasty!

    • Olga
      07/09/2024 at 07:28

      No snot after defrosting. It is especially good to throw in a bowl and pour hot soup on top. Or, when cooking, throw in a saucepan at the very last stage, so that it does not even boil, it does not reach on a warm stove.

  5. Tatyana
    07/02/2024 at 23:33 Reply

    Recently I read an article that the most beneficial substances are stored in dried herbs. It all depends on how to freeze and how to dry.


