How to clean your washing machine with vinegar from scale

With regular use of the washing machine, a dense limescale deposits on the inside of the washing machine, such as scale in a kettle, which must be removed regularly to maintain the functionality of the appliance and prevent its breakdown. You can deal with this problem by cleaning the washing machine with acetic acid.


This is one of the most effective and affordable approaches, which allows not only to clean important elements even in hard-to-reach places, but also to prevent the formation of mold, to get rid of the unpleasant musty smell transmitted by linen. Cleaning itself is absolutely safe for the device and very simple, but there are important points to keep in mind.

Positive and negative sides of the impact on the scale in the washing machine with acetic acid

Before you clean the device from scale, using vinegar, you need to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the solution. In some cases, they play a decisive role in choosing the best option among all existing alternatives.

teng with scale

The strengths of the impact can be considered as follows:

  1. Vinegar is quite aggressive, so it provides a pronounced result. It easily corrodes plaque, which leads to its removal from the elements of the device.
  2. If the manipulation is carried out strictly according to the rules, then the risk of clogging of the elements of the washing machine with pieces of lime is reduced to zero.
  3. During the procedure, it is possible not only to clean the device from scale, but also to get rid of unpleasant putrefactive odors, which often arise after several years of operation of the device.
  4. Cleaning with vinegar is one of the cheapest and most affordable exposure options, while in its effectiveness it is not inferior to some professional approaches.

The only obvious drawback of the approach is the pungent smell of the main reagent. But you can cope with it, you just need to start the washing machine for an additional rinse, and during the procedure, ventilate the room.

Tip: It is highly recommended not to exceed the prescribed dosages. The use of an acetic solution of exorbitant concentration will not give a better result, but it negatively affects the rubber elements of the device. First, they will become rough, and then they will tear, which will lead to serious damage.

scale in the washing machine

Steps for cleaning the inside of the appliance with vinegar

To clean the internal elements of the washing machine from lime scale, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  • We check the drum and, if necessary, remove all things from it, from the effects of vinegar they can become worthless. Some housewives suggest starting up unnecessary rags, but, experts say, this can provoke the destruction of the fibers and their ingress into the pipes. Cleaning does not become softer or more effective.
  • We take 9% table vinegar (you can take white), pour it into the tray of the washing machine, designed to load the powder. We set the highest temperature and the longest washing cycle, start the machine.
  • After the vinegar is mixed with water and the solution heats up, put the unit on hold and wait at least an hour.
  • After the specified time, we start the device again and cleaning resumes. It is necessary to wait until the end of the entire cycle. Before the time, the washing machine that needs to be descaled must not be stopped.
  • After the end of the process, you need to clean the drain filter, small pieces of scale may accumulate on it.
  • Next, we dilute a tablespoon of vinegar in half a liter of water and use this solution to clean the available elements of the device. Wet a piece of cloth in it, carefully wipe the drum and rubber parts.
  • Cleaning is completed by starting the washing machine for another cycle of operation. This time we do not add vinegar, other reagents or detergents. We choose the shortest washing cycle, it will be enough to finally clean the device from the remnants of the detergent component and pieces of scale.
  • Wipe all available parts of the unit with a dry cloth, not forgetting about the powder tray. We leave the washing machine as open as possible, allowing it to dry and get rid of the pungent vinegar smell.


Cleaning of the functional device parts from scale must be carried out not only in the case of a clear decrease in its practical properties. Vinegar is also recommended for preventive purposes, then the device will serve much further. Such cleaning can be carried out once a quarter, but not more often than once every 2 months, otherwise the aggressive component will provoke the destruction of rubber and plastic parts.

It is highly recommended not to combine this exposure with other chemicals. This can literally melt parts of household appliances, which will require their immediate replacement.

Removing limescale from the surfaces of the trays

Table vinegar at home is used not only for internal processing. If desired, they can clean the container for loading washing powder, which also often suffers from the formation of dense stone or limescale. To do this, pour a glass of 9% table vinegar into the container and add very hot water. Immerse the contaminated tray in the resulting solution. The main thing is that the composition completely covers the device. Such passive cleaning should take at least 8 hours.

rubber parts

After the specified time, we take out the tray and treat it with clean sponge or a soft cloth in clean hot water. Then rinse and dry. If even after such a long soaking, the coating has not easily receded, you need to clean the surfaces with gruel from baking soda and vinegar. Dip in the toothbrush and remove plaque with intense movements. Rinse the clean tray, dry it and put it in place.

In addition, the washing machine can be cleaned with citric acid, soda, copper sulphate, detergents, soap solutions and a number of effective professional preparations. We must not forget that during each wash it is recommended to add special softeners to the water, designed to prevent the formation of scale or the formation of its dense layer on the internal parts. If the applied efforts did not give the desired result, it is necessary to contact specialists, it may be necessary to replace individual parts of the household appliance.

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leave a comment
  1. Nadia
    09/04/2024 at 09:35 Reply

    And how much vinegar should you pour, initially?

  2. Carla
    12/11/2024 at 13:27 Reply

    What happens if vinegar is not 9% but 70%?

  3. Leila
    01/09/2024 at 12:52 Reply

    A similar question: how much vinegar must first be poured?

  4. Marina
    11.24.2018 at 06:27 Reply

    How much vinegar to pour

  5. Nastya
    02/18/2024 at 10:35 Reply

    One glass


