Guide to rescue a phone that fell into the water

Of course, we hope that you wondered how to dry the phone when you accidentally spilled some tea on it, but let's be honest: you probably washed it in a washing machine or dropped it into a pond. Does this mean that now you have to buy a new one? Not always, but we warn you right away: the successful rescue of a phone that has been in the water almost equally depends on luck, as well as on your operational actions, but it’s still worth trying to reanimate the gadget.

Phone in water

Rescue Guide

They say that if you quickly get the device out of the water, then the chances of drying it are much greater, but just one drop that gets into your touchscreen phone can cause a short circuit or corrosion of the circuits, which will negate the whole rescue operation. Therefore, it doesn’t matter if the gadget fell into the puddle for a couple of seconds or if you washed it in the washing machine: we recommend that you follow this instruction anyway.

Disconnect the phone

If your sensory friend is still in working condition after bathing, this does not mean that you can do nothing, because you most likely will not have to rejoice. Turn off the phone and do not turn it on until you dry it thoroughly, and this will happen no earlier than the next day.

Drying a phone that has fallen into water

Wipe the gadget with paper towels or napkins

Starting to disassemble the phone with too much water in it, you run the risk of allowing her to get to where she has not yet reached the time spent in the washing machine. Perform primary drying with any moisture-absorbing material: cleaning wipes, paper or waffle towels, and even toilet paper - at this stage, everything that is at hand will do.

Remove excess and disassemble the phone, if possible

  • No, I don’t need to remove the microcircuits yet. To get started, simply remove the protective film from the touch screen, if you use it, and remove the cover.
  • Now you need to remove the battery: this will help to thoroughly dry at least it. If the circuit is not affected by water, then turn on the phone or not, will greatly depend on its safety.
  • Well, do not forget about the SIM card. True, they usually survive the test with water without any special consequences, but nevertheless, you should not risk unpublished numbers and other important information.


Perhaps at this stage you already realized how painstaking the process would be, and you want to hand over or repair the phone under warranty, saying that it just stopped working. That's just the majority of modern touch phones have a sensor that allows you to determine whether water got into the gadget or not. See a bright circle or square near the battery? It is he. If the color of the sensor is white, then the water did not have time to wet it, but if it is pink, then your favorite device will have to be dried for a long time and thoroughly.

Drying the phone in rice

Secondary (advanced) drying

Now that the phone has been taken apart, it is time to dry it thoroughly. We suggest choosing the method that suits you best, but using all of these methods in turn will be the best option.

  • Try to dry the device with a vacuum cleaner: just point it to the phone in the normal dust intake mode. Yes, it will take quite a while to dry, but this method is rather gentle if you do not bring the vacuum cleaner too close to the details.
  • The fan will also help dry parts a little faster if you put the device near it.
  • Also, a phone that has fallen into water can be dried by placing it near a heater or battery. Most importantly, do not place it close to a heat source.
  • Excess moisture is perfectly absorbed by rice or silicone balls like those put in boxes with shoes. But you need to dial them a whole bowl to completely cover the phone, so start with rice.


When the phone fell into the water, then the idea of ​​blow-drying comes to mind almost the first. So, this is not worth it: the hairdryer blows drops inside with a powerful stream of air, and even such warm air for the phone is not harmless. Also, you can not dry the gadget in the microwave or oven: the explanation here is limited to common sense and the threat of an explosion.

Corrosion after getting your phone wet

The phone does not turn on ...

You followed our instructions, but your touchscreen phone still showed no signs of life? Well, here it is either a damaged chip or a recessed battery. You can check the battery on another phone of your model, and in case it is faulty, buy a new one. Chips are more complicated. Yes, you can disassemble the phone completely, try to find corrosion on the boards and clean it, but still it is quite difficult to do this without any experience and knowledge. In this case, you will either have to trust the professionals or treat yourself to a new purchase!

It is quite possible to save the phone after removing it from the washing machine, but do not be discouraged if none of our methods have helped. Material wealth is not the most important thing in life, but now you will probably learn a lesson and become more accurate and attentive.

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  1. Morozova Daria
    08/22/2024 at 11:42 Reply

    Is it possible to put not in rice but in buckwheat?

    • Sanya
      12/14/2024 at 02:02

      With macaroni cook

  2. Catherine
    01/21/2024 at 21:08 Reply

    When my phone was flooded with water (strongly, I almost drowned it), I immediately pulled out the battery, put everything on it with a napkin, and then applied alcohol (or even vodka). The next day I turned it on, and it still works for me, for more than 3 years.


