Why does the dishwasher dry dishes poorly?

A tidy housewife is annoyed even by a small mess in the kitchen, and if the dishwasher does not dry the dishes, she can start a real tantrum. Dry drops turn into spots and stains; instead of a sparkling service, you have to put dull plates with whitish smudges on the table. In order not to blush in front of the guests, you need to take a towel and grind each device. Do not do hard labor; better try to understand the causes of the malfunction and fix it.

Dishwasher selection

Purchase errors

You installed a new inexpensive car at home, launched it for the first time - and all the joy of the purchase was gone. The dishes are clean, but they are not dry. If real rain does not pour from the plates, and only small drops remain, do not rush to make complaints to the store or demand warranty repairs. Look in the product passport - what kind of drying is indicated there? There are 2 options:

  1. turbo dryer;
  2. condensation type.

If you saw the second option - you yourself incorrectly chose a dishwasher. This design has the majority of products, they are simpler and cheaper to manufacture, so they are sold at a low price. Under the influence of heat, water evaporates from the dishes, but moist air remains inside the machine. When the device starts to cool, the liquid condenses on its walls and on the plates.

Each mistress struggles with this problem in her own way. Some guard when drying ends, and immediately open the door so that steam does not remain inside. There are recommendations to remove the dishes as soon as possible, just try not to burn your hands. If, upon opening the hatch, you see utensils that are completely wet or poorly washed, ask for a replacement machine, it is defective.


In order not to fall into a similar situation, before buying any household appliances, read the descriptions and reviews about different brands.

Washing dishes

If the car starts to dry poorly

Everything was fine, but suddenly the car began to dry dishes poorly. If your dishwasher is equipped with a turbo dryer and does a good job washing off dirt, most likely the fan will not work. If the dishes are dirty and wet, it can be assumed that the reason is poor heating. This malfunction has several main causes:

  • the control relay does not work;
  • does not warm ten;
  • the temperature sensor has broken.

All these malfunctions are serious enough. If you have no idea about the arrangement of mechanisms and can only press buttons, it is better to immediately invite a specialist. In the best case, you can determine by sound that the fan is not working, but even finding it inside the machine will be a problem. When an amateur disassembles a complex machine, usually the result is a mountain of parts. A mechanic, seeing traces of your incompetence, will immediately increase the price of repairs.


In no case do not try to repair the machine yourself, which did not expire the warranty period. Perhaps the breakdown is so serious that you need to change the entire device. If you tried to do something yourself, the warranty will cease to apply.

When the ten fails, it must be replaced with a new one. When a relay is needed, an inept mistress will be able to find it inside the door, but replacement requires skill in working with a soldering iron. If the fan breaks down, you need to disassemble almost the entire device. Only a person familiar with the repair of household electrical equipment will be able to find and diagnose these details.
The girl unloads the dishwasher
The only thing that an amateur unfamiliar with technology can do is change the temperature sensor if you are sure that the reason is in it. To replace, place the machine on its side, unscrew the tray and remove the device from the water discharge chamber. Remove the wires from it and install a new sensor. Now turn on the machine and hope that it starts working.

Household appliances sometimes fail. When the dishwasher has stopped drying the dishes, and you can’t understand what’s the matter, don’t panic. Contact a specialist and find out the cost of repairs. If you think that the price is too high, contact another wizard. In a couple of days everything will be all right, and the plates will again become dry and clean.

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  1. Alina
    11/12/2024 at 21:41 Reply

    It all depends on the drying. Our hotpoint dishwasher has condensation drying, yes, it is long, but not to say that it is bad


