How and how can I remove stickers from the refrigerator in a few seconds?

Very often, the surface of brand-new refrigerators is “decorated” with advertising or information stickers from the manufacturer, which do not combine with the interior of the kitchen, and they have to be removed at home. In addition, young children are happy to place numerous bright stickers on the white and clean door of the device, which also do not always please parents.

pink fridge

You can cope with the situation, but if you need a really good result, you have to try, otherwise there will be gray marks, torn pieces of paper or glue. There are several methods of exposure that will help clean the door without damaging the enamel of the refrigerator, without changing its original color.

Tools to remove the most persistent stickers

The proposed methods are equally effective in removing a fresh sticker or the remnants of an old sticker. If you initially resort to one of them, the glue will leave the surface along with the paper base, and you will not need to think later on how to remove the sticky gray spots.

  • Hot air. This approach is practiced even in rubbish shops. An ordinary hair dryer is used to create the desired degree of heating. First, we dilute a little neutral detergent in warm water and apply this product to the sticker, thoroughly wetting the material. Next, take a hair dryer, without waiting until the mass dries, and begin to heat it. After a couple of minutes, we try to remove the paper base and glue with a damp cloth or soft sponge. Manipulation can be repeated several times.

ways to remove stickers

Tip: Do not use “proven” tools such as metal sponges, toothbrushes or nylon brushes and sandpaper during the cleaning process. They will undoubtedly help to remove all signs of contamination, but they will certainly damage the enamel.

  • Eraser. First, thoroughly moisten the surface with warm water and a mild detergent diluted in it. Then we wait until all this is completely dry and wipe off with an ordinary school eraser (soft side). We work carefully, trying the first time to remove all the glue, so that later we don’t even struggle with stains on the refrigerator door. Particularly resistant formations can be pre-moistened not with water, but with nail polish remover, then the paper pulp will depart even faster.
  • Preparations for removing adhesive tape and marker. These are professional cleaning products that can easily remove any stickers. The only inconvenience is that they are sold in rather large bottles, and are consumed rather slowly. It is worth resorting to this approach only if the other methods do not help.

stickers refrigerators

  • Vegetable oil. A very effective and gentle way to clean the refrigerator door. We moisten the composition with a cotton pad, which we apply to the surface of the sticker and wait a couple of minutes. After the specified time, the label should peel off without any problems, without leaving adhesive on the surface. Wash off oil traces with warm water and dishwashing detergent.
  • The dry method. If the sticker is still fresh, just peel it off. They usually go away without problems, leaving behind an adhesive trail. Then we take the same label or scotch tape, glue it to the problem areas and sharply tear it off. In cases when we already managed to wet the paper, but nothing happened, we wait until the area dries and continue to process it with tape.

refrigerator cleaning

Practice shows that the above approaches work flawlessly. You just need to show a little patience and carefully work out the surface without leaving even the slightest trace of glue.

Approaches to help remove glue from the surface

Some stickers come off the smooth surface of the refrigerator door without any problems, and the housewives quickly forget about it. True, after some time, gray marks begin to form in these areas. This is because dust sits on the remaining colorless glue. It is sometimes even more difficult to remove such formations than whole stickers. The following approaches can help:

  • Eraser. In this case, you do not need to wet anything, just gently and methodically wipe all manifestations of dirt from the surface of the refrigerator. At first, the glue will not give in, but then it will begin to roll into balls, which can be removed manually.
  • Nail polish remover or acetone. Wet the traces of the sticker thoroughly with the selected composition so that the mass is wet. After that, we immediately begin to wipe the product with a soft cloth. If necessary, apply a little more liquid and work until everything goes well. You can not worry about the integrity of enamel with this approach. Aggressive component will eliminate only glue.

sticker remover

  • Special sprays. They are based on solvents that can easily cope with many contaminants. Given the fact that the active composition is sprayed rather than poured, the product does not lose its qualities and can be stored for a long time. It is generally beneficial to have it on the farm.
  • Alcohol / Vinegar /antistatic. We apply the selected product to the place from which it was possible to remove the sticker. You can immediately begin to rub the surface or wait a few minutes until the mass acts on the glue and dissolves it.
  • Bitumen stain cleaner. Although the liquid has a rather pungent odor, it helps to remove all signs of contamination from the door surface in just a few seconds, without damaging the enamel.

For the cleaning process, it is recommended that fresh air is allowed into the room, as many of the listed products have a pronounced smell and can cause significant discomfort.

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leave a comment
  1. Alla
    01/27/2024 at 19:14 Reply

    All washed away. Helped nail polish remover. Just great. Thanks!!!

  2. Anna
    05/19/2024 at 10:47 Reply

    Nothing helped except the eraser! thanks!!!


