How to figure out where to pour powder in a washing machine?

Modern technology makes life easier, but it is important to use it correctly. Therefore, you need to know, for example, where to pour the powder in the washing machine. If you follow the instructions, the result is sure to please. But there are situations when the instruction manual is not at hand. How to figure out which compartment is designed for?

Detergent container in the washing machine

What does a detergent container look like?

We can’t say for sure how the detergent department looks and where it is located. Manufacturers solve this issue in different ways. In models with vertical loading, it is usually located on the inside of the hatch, with the front on the top or front panel, above the hatch. Most of these trays are equipped with a button, clicking on which allows you to get it and clean it.

The container is divided into three parts. If you carefully consider them, it will be noticeable that each of the compartments is indicated by a certain icon. They may differ depending on the brand of the washing machine. It is these notes that need to be guided when it comes time to fill up the powder. In addition, the compartments vary in size.

  • Medium in size is most often located on the edge. It is marked with the letter “A”, the Arabic numeral “1” or the Roman “I”. Used for pre-soak or wash modes. Only powder products are suitable for this purpose.
  • The largest is designed just for the main detergent. Traditionally designated “B”, “2” or “II”. Usually located in the middle.
  • Air conditioner softens the laundry in a small cell. Often it has an antistatic function. In this section you can see the image of an asterisk or flower, sometimes the inscription "Softener".

Preparing the washing machine for washing

How to wash?

If you are not sure that all the notations are understood correctly, or they simply have been erased, then you can figure out what's what, empirically. To do this, include an empty, not loaded with laundry, washing machine in non-soaking mode. The detergent compartment does not need to be completely closed. The compartment in which the water supply will go first, and will be intended for powder. Opening the container during operation will not damage the unit. This feature can be used to add rinse aid when the wash is already running.

To put things in order, they act in this way.

  • For heavily soiled laundry, soaking is required. Therefore, cells "1" and "2" are filled with powder, if desired, air conditioning is added to the compartment with an asterisk or flower.
  • If only the main wash is necessary, but with a softener, then the product is poured only into compartment “2”. In a small rinse aid is poured.
  • When a simple wash is needed, only the second cell is used.

Bookmark washing powder in the drum machine

Can I put the product in the drum?

In some cases, you can simplify your task and place the detergent directly in the drum. Many housewives prefer to do just that. This is especially true for old washing machines that faithfully serve more than one year. They begin to poorly wash the powder compartment, thereby increasing the consumption of detergent. But if after the end of the cycle the container is clean, then you can safely use it.


If a thick gel is used for washing, then it should be diluted with water a little. So it will be better to wash.

Some manufacturers themselves apply a special container designed for the drum to the powder. Most often, it is applied to substances for washing baby clothes, promising a more gentle wash.But bleaches and stain removers are best placed only in the correspondingly designated cell. They are quite aggressive. Therefore, things can be damaged if applied directly.

Detergent can be not only liquid or in powder form (we have already figured out where to put it). But capsules or compressed cubes will not dissolve in a separate container. Therefore, you need to lay them right in the drum. The same applies to most sulfate-free products. When used for washing plants containing saponins, they are removed in a bag.
Filling detergent into the compartment

In order for the washing machine to work without interruptions and show excellent results, it is important not only to pour the powder into the correct compartment, but also to choose the appropriate product. It should be with reduced foaming, so you can’t use it with the “for hand wash” mark. In addition, the dosage suggested by the manufacturers should be followed. They often indicate the maximum allowable amount. Therefore, you can reduce it, especially if the laundry is not dirty. Selecting a measure is individually based on workload and program.

Use the equipment as required by the manufacturer. Pour the powder in the right cell in time, dry the drum regularly, opening the hatch for a while. It is worthwhile to carefully study the instruction manual. Just then the washing machine will remain operational for a long time, and things will please with freshness and cleanliness. Knowing little tricks will not let you get lost in any situation.

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  1. Olga
    06/16/2024 at 08:00 Reply

    About the first water supply - not true. In my car, after the first supply, a portion of the water is drained - in order to wash off the probable residues from the tank from previous washings. For example, if a very shed linen was washed, and now light is laid. This portion of water is poured through the tray, where the washing powder is soaked with soaking so that the powder intended for washing is not washed off.


