How to determine the maximum weight of laundry for loading the washing machine?

The maximum weight of linen manufacturers of washing machines indicate in large letters on the facade of the appliance. This is one of the indicators that brands have come to boast about. The large weight of the laundry loaded into the drum allows washing less frequently, saving energy and water.

Washing machine breakdown

The consequences of incorrect loading

The maximum mass of things that can be washed is indicated in the product passports.

Exceeding the norm causes dangerous consequences:

  • increased load on the electric motor, which has to rotate a crowded drum;
  • increased load on the bearings of the rotating parts of the household appliance;
  • incorrect choice of washing mode;
  • Poor washing and rinsing.

The consequence of exceeding the maximum permissible load on the electric motor is overheating of the motor. Elevated temperatures cause overheating and gradual destruction of the insulation of the motor rotor windings - and ultimately their short circuit. Well, if cost replacement engine. A short circuit in the electrical circuit in 95% of cases causes domestic fires, especially in houses of an old construction, with old wiring.

Under the action of loads exceeding the calculated, the bearings of the rotating parts of the drum and engine gradually wear out. And this, in turn, causes unacceptable vibration of the body, which causes mechanical damage to the parts of the washing machine:

  • hose clamps loose;
  • the material of the pipes for supplying and pumping water is destroyed, causing flooding of the room;
  • the contacts of the electrical wiring are loosened, which causes gaps in the issuance of control commands, flashing of the connectors and, as a result, expensive repairs.

A completely filled tank volume does not allow washing with the required amount of water - all structural parts are working in the wrong mode. The linen remains dirty and with a coating of powder that could not be removed by rinsing.

No less harm is caused by a small load. During the spin cycle, things are pressed against one side of the drum under the action of centrifugal forces, causing a "frantic" vibration. Its consequences are fatal to an electrical appliance. Bearing seats are destroyed, vibration increases with each subsequent wash.


Unless the minimum load weight is specifically indicated in the documents of your washing machine, use at least 1.5 kg of dry laundry when washing.


Features of washing clothes from various materials

The technical characteristic of the maximum load, which is indicated in the passport, shows how much weight the engine can spin without the negative consequences indicated above.

In tests, small pieces of heavy tissue are used. The density of the material allows for maximum fabric weight for the washing machine and high-quality washing. But at home, they often wash fabrics with a lower density, therefore, it will not work to fit a lot of laundry into the drum. A fully filled volume will not allow washing to be carried out correctly - things will not be able to be rinsed after processing with washing powder.

It is worth loading the machine with a slight underload so that the laundry moves freely during the washing process.

A man takes out laundry from a washing machine

Drum Loading Tips

Different tissue absorbs different amounts of water and has a different specific gravity.

When filling the drum, the following conditions should be observed.

  • Cotton products are loaded according to the manufacturer's instructions in a 1: 1 ratio. If the machine is designed for 5 kg, then cotton items can be washed 5 kg.
  • Synthetic things are light and voluminous, they are loaded at the rate of 50% of the maximum provided load. The machine, designed for 8 kg, can wash without loss of quality 3.5–4 kg of synthetics.
  • Woolen clothes are washed at the rate of 30% of the load. 1.5–2 kg of things are loaded into a 5 kg machine.
  • The same amount (30%) of the maximum load with "quick wash", regardless of the material used in the manufacture of things.
  • Up to 50% of the laundry amount is washed in the “delicate wash” mode.


The manufacturer gives the permissible mass for dry clothes, taking into account the increase when wet.

Girl lays out linen

How to calculate the weight of laundry for a washing machine?

An ordinary consumer, having bought a washing machine, faces a dilemma: to load things more or less, washing twice. The cost of a new machine does not lead to the risk of trying to fill the entire volume of the washing drum with dirty linen.

Modern machines allow weighing things at the initial stage of loading, determining the critical mass when washing is dangerous for operation. But what about the owners of devices of previous years of release?

It is not possible to weigh under each load. Experienced housewives “by eye” know how much laundry can be washed at the same time. For the rest, you can calculate the weight of the loaded laundry according to the table.

The approximate weight of bed linen, grams
Duvet cover500-800

Approximate weight of clothes, grams
Blouse shirt130-180100-30050-120
Jeans trousers600-700400-500150-200
Sweater, windbreaker800-1100400-650300-500
Down jacket1300-1800900-1300500-1000

Loading the washing machine

How do modern washing machines determine the weight of laundry?

Modern technology has the ability to independently determine the mass of things directed into the machine. In fact, there are no weights in the car. Both the mass of things and the washing program are determined by the current that flows in the electric motor when the drum rotates. Accordingly, the device selects a mode in which the engine will operate in optimal mode, without overcurrents. This function allows the machine to independently determine the most appropriate mode and program of washing, the amount recruited into the water.

The option will help:

  • Do not think about the correct loading of the machine - if the norm is exceeded, the washing will not start, a warning signal will be issued;
  • to collect the necessary amount of water without wasting electricity to heat its excess;
  • clean and dry things well.

Knowing the approximate weight of the laundry and the correct choice of its volume when loading the drum of the washing machine will help to wash things to a clean state, while maintaining the operability of the household appliance for a long time.

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  1. Alesia
    05/21/2024 at 16:53 Reply

    Dad bought a Hotpoin washing machine in our apartment a year ago. We like her a lot. It erases efficiently and there are many modes, which pleases. We load so much linen into the washing machine to extend it qualitatively, nothing more, it is better to start another wash, but the result will be good: well-washed clothes!)

  2. Elena
    10/10/2024 at 10:44 Reply

    A useful article for a novice housewife) She shared it with her daughter, otherwise she has Indesit in her apartment, but I myself don’t understand this

  3. Olya
    11.11.2019 at 12:25 Reply

    For many years now the hotpoint washer, and for the first time I learned about such a thing as keeping a minimum load weight.


