Why the washing machine draws water and drains it immediately

It happens that the indispensable home “assistant” seems to work out the modes normally, but it is alarming that the washing machine draws water and immediately drains it. The reason for this work often lies in its incorrect connection to the sewer. If the installation is completed correctly, then it is necessary to look for a malfunction in the blocks responsible for filling the tank with liquid.


Why do I need to take action immediately for this malfunction

If during operation the washing machine draws water and immediately drains it, then this cannot be overlooked. The washing cycle is greatly delayed and the murmur of water poured into the sewer is continuously heard. In this case, urgent action is required.

Water continuously pouring through the machine will increase its consumption. And the instantly washed powder will not be able to wash the laundry and it will have to be washed, which will additionally increase the bills for water and electricity, as well as the costs of the detergent. But, it turns out, these are not the main troubles that the owners can wait for, if they leave this problem for later.

washing task

If the machine constantly fills and drains water, then this will lead to premature wear of its components. So, for example, the heater will be constantly on, because it will have to heat a cold liquid that continuously enters the tank. Therefore, it is necessary to find out what is the cause of this malfunction and eliminate it as soon as possible.

The cause of the malfunction, which you can handle yourself

One of the reasons why the washing machine is constantly draining water may be the wrong connection to the sewer. Most often, this problem occurs when installing new equipment.

If the drain hose is located below the tank along the entire length, then the water gradually “runs away” by gravity into the sewer. The water level drops, the sensor is triggered, and the machine fills in the missing volume. Due to the fact that water continues to leave, automation is constantly gaining new portions of water.

To prevent this from happening, some part of the drain hose should be raised 50-60 cm from the floor, that is, above the water level in the tank. To do this:

  • Lay the hose “loop” on the standard fasteners of the washing machine located on the back wall, and the rest can be laid on the floor and connected to the sewer in a convenient place. Most of washing machines (Bosch, Samsung, Ardo, Indesit, Ariston and many others) are equipped with such fixtures.
  • When draining into a bath or sink, make sure that some part of the drain runs at the right height.
  • The reason that the “assistant” is constantly draining water may be partially clogged or narrow communal sewer. When draining water on lower floors, it can be completely filled, while a higher pressure is created (reduced pressure). In this case, water can be drawn from the tank to the sewer. To solve this problem, you must either place the drain in the sink or in the bath.

There are special valves that are installed on the drain hose. They create a siphon effect and prevent the suction of water from the tank.

You can, of course, make a small hole in the place where the drain hose is connected, through which the discharge will be removed, but a very unpleasant smell will pass through it into the apartment.

washing task

If it is not possible to see the location of the drain (furniture or objects interfere), then you can easily test the machine. To do this:

  1. Run any washing program.
  2. Wait until water is typed, turn on "Drain" and press the "PAUSE" button.
  3. Track water level.

If the level drops, and a characteristic murmur is heard in the drain, then there are problems with the connection.

Other causes of permanent water drainage

If the washing machine worked normally for a long time, and then there were problems with draining, then this most likely means the failure of one of the devices.

Inlet valve

The intake valve, which is installed immediately after the filler pipe, may have broken. In this case, water will flow into the tank without stopping. When its level exceeds the desired value, the sensor (pressure switch) will work and the washing machine will drain the excess. But since the valve does not work and continuously fills the water, the automation will periodically turn on the drain.

Pressure switch malfunction

With this malfunction, a characteristic noise is constantly heard, which is heard when the machine draws water. In addition, the drain does not work constantly and you can hear how the drain pump turns on and off. Accordingly, the murmur of the water entering the sewage system is also not heard continuously, but only during the operation of the pump.

It is not possible to repair the inlet valve; it requires replacement. It is difficult to do this on your own, therefore it is better to seek help from specialists.

Pressure switch

This small part monitors the level of fluid in the tank. Information is transmitted to the board, which closes the valve at the right time. If the pressure switch fails, then the machine constantly collects water. Overflow drain does not automatically turn on. Therefore, after filling the tank, the liquid will begin to drain into the sewer by gravity.

Pressure switch malfunction

If the pressure is strong enough, then there is a high probability of flooding your apartment, as well as the housing of neighbors from below. Therefore, if the washing machine constantly draws water and its level in the tank is clearly above normal, you must immediately turn off the power, forcibly drain the water and solve the problem of repairing equipment.

Exploiting its irreplaceable “assistant” if it constantly collects and immediately drains water, in no case be impossible. Because sooner or later this will lead to serious damage to the units of the washing machine. And if protection against overfilling of the tank does not work, then water will flood the apartment. Therefore, if such a malfunction is detected, it is better to immediately take measures to eliminate it. This will ensure the operation of the equipment for a long time and save family finances.

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  1. Katya
    12/09/2024 at 22:54 Reply

    And what to do if it draws water, starts to wash, and then drains the water. After which it gives an error. Samsung machine.

  2. Edward
    06/19/2024 at 08:54 Reply

    read above !!!

  3. Vladislav
    07/28/2024 at 10:41 Reply

    In my case, the water does not even get into the tank, but immediately leaves through the drain hose. At the same time, the drain pump does not seem to make noise. I drained the water according to the program, took out the filter (I thought maybe some valve wedged somewhere if it is there), found 2 test strips from the meter, threw it away, put the filter back in place - everything is OK. At the next wash - the same nonsense (only already without debris) - when pouring water rushing from the drain hose. Interrupted the program, changed it to "drain", drained it, took out the filter, put it back in, started the working program - everything is fine. Can someone tell me what is the reason? Zanussi machine.

    • Alexey
      10.26.2019 at 14:12

      The problem is in the drain hose. When connecting to the sewage system, a vacuum is created and the water simply flows by gravity. Disconnect the hose from the sewer and turn it on for washing.


