Why put a TV on the refrigerator is possible, but not necessary

When the hostess plans to design her kitchen, she often faces the question of whether it is possible to put the TV on the refrigerator. The instructions for most freezing units specifically say that their lid is not a shelf and is not designed to install any items, especially household appliances. Despite the ban, many families put on the refrigerator TV, microwave, bread machine. Let's figure out how to properly install kitchen equipment.

TV over the fridge

How electrical appliances affect each other

Some new generation refrigerators have a built-in TV, but in this case, the manufacturers calculated all the harmful effects of such a neighborhood and installed protection. Modern developers understand that the kitchen is simply overflowing with all kinds of electromagnetic fields, and create models taking into account such conditions.

If the refrigerator in your kitchen is not of its first youth, and the TV is also old, the following troubles may occur:

  • when applying electromagnetic waves, radiation is amplified;
  • increased load on the mechanisms;
  • the old refrigerator vibrates, this is not good for both the monitor and the eyes;
  • A heavy TV may warp the refrigerator lid.

The resource purity.bigbadmole.com/en/ found out from experts that there were no breakdowns caused by this arrangement of devices. Indeed, on the day of installation and for a long time after it, nothing happens. The TV with a fridge honestly served its time and went for recycling. Only no one knows how much more they could work if they stood far apart.


If you think the refrigerator is the best place for a TV in the kitchen, get a modern model of a freezer unit with a built-in plasma panel.

If you can’t do without watching programs in the kitchen, you can put the TV on a special stand. Make a shelf for it or hang it on the wall using special brackets. Holders of flat light models sometimes want to hang the TV on the refrigerator. This is definitely not necessary. Around the freezing equipment is an active movement, all family members often open and close the door. In this case, the probability of dropping and breaking the plasma panel is high.

Family in the kitchen preparing a salad

Kitchen without a TV

The question arises whether a TV is needed in the kitchen. This is a special room, where food is prepared, the family gathers at a common table. It's no secret that most programs do not contribute to a good mood: a talk show discusses the problems of dysfunctional families, the news is filled with chilling stories. Are you pleased to have lunch when the nail affected by the fungus is shown in full screen?

Good housewives know that when cooking, you need to focus only on this process and not be distracted by anything. At this time, they even turn off their phone. The quality of the dish largely depends on the mood in which you cook it. If you cry over the problems of the heroes of the melodrama or get carried away by a crime series - do not be surprised that the food will turn out to be tasteless, and all family members will feel heavy in the stomach for a long time. If the TV is on the refrigerator, the temptation to turn it on is very high, and you are unlikely to prepare a tasty and healthy dinner.


If you are bored in the silence of working in the kitchen, turn on the radio or player with your favorite tunes that will create a pleasant emotional atmosphere.

Doctors do not recommend watching programs, discussing serious issues or talking on the phone during meals. Disconnect from all problems, enjoy delicious food and do not forget to praise the hostess. Share the good news, please each other.Missed episodes of an interesting detective story can then be viewed on the Internet.

Each person must decide for himself whether to put the TV on the refrigerator. If you think it’s impossible to think of a better place, take care of the safety of all family members. All devices must be installed firmly and steadily. Position the power cord and antenna cable so that they cannot be accidentally hit or pulled. Nevertheless, often keep the screen off, talking with family and friends is much more interesting than with the characters in the series.

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