Why is it forbidden to pour distilled water into an iron with a steamer?

Most companies manufacturing household appliances indicate in the instructions that distilled water should not be poured into an iron. In this case, the use of tap water causes the appearance of scale on the heating element due to the salts contained in it. We will understand why such a ban was introduced, whether there are reasons for it and how to fill the tank so that the home steamer lasts as long as possible.

Steam iron

How does a steam iron work?

From ancient times it is known that if you iron moistened things, the result will be better. Liquid-impregnated fabric fibers become softer. Evaporating, moisture reduces friction between individual fibers. When ironing was used, wet gauze or a spray gun was used to spray the garment before ironing.

Today, a special unit, a steamer, has been introduced into the design of the iron. It includes a reservoir in which water is contained, and a device for regulating its supply to the heating element. Upon contact with a hot heater (its temperature is about 150 ° C), water instantly turns into steam. But the salts contained in water cannot turn into steam - they settle in the form of crusts on the surface of the iron. Thus, scale is formed.

In the instructions, manufacturers recommend using tap water to refuel steamer tanks. But these are general recommendations, they are written without taking into account the peculiarities of water supply in different countries and regions. Far from all areas, the quality of tap water avoids the formation of scale.

Scale in the iron

What is harmful scale?

The crust of salts formed on the heating element adversely affects the performance of the iron. This effect has several manifestations:

  • Salt deposits do not conduct heat well. So, the soleplate heats up more slowly. In this case, the heating element remains in the heated state longer - the risk that it will burn out increases.
  • In case of steam blow, the pieces of scale can fall off from the heater and fall into the tubes through which the steam comes out, clogging them. This reduces the quality of steaming linen, negatively affects the result.
  • Getting on the sole, the scum is “smeared” over the clothes, leaving white traces and stains. It is very difficult to remove these stains from the fabric.

If the iron fails due to scale deposits, most companies will refuse to repair or replace equipment under warranty. The responsibility to monitor the condition of the iron and to clean it from scale in a timely manner rests with the user. Violation of the cleaning regime and the use of unsuitable water is equivalent to intentional damage to equipment and does not fall under warranty.

To reduce the risk of scale formation, some cartridges incorporate special cartridges that reduce water hardness. However, the cost of such models is significantly higher than that of conventional irons. Therefore, most users should understand how to refill the iron is possible, and what is not.

Ironing with distilled water

Why can not distilled water be used?

The distillation process removes from water 99.9% of the salts contained in it initially. The liquid obtained after such cleaning, at first glance, should ideally be suitable for the operation of a steam generator or a steamer in an iron. However, manufacturers say that distillate has two significant drawbacks:

  • The boiling point of water, completely devoid of salts, becomes higher. So the distillate evaporates more slowly. This increases the load on the coating of the evaporation chamber.
  • Some salts (such as hydrocarbons) increase the pH of water. If removed, the liquid will become more acidic.This means that its destructive effect on metal will intensify, corrosion processes will go faster.

Some experts believe that the ban on the use of distilled water is a ploy of manufacturers. The purpose of the trick is to accelerate the failure of the iron, and hence the purchase of a new one. However, supporters of this point of view are in the minority.

The use of distilled water can extend the life of the iron. But for this you need to mix the distillate with tap water. The proportions depend on the water hardness in the region. The most commonly used ratios are 1: 1 and 1: 2.

Ironing with filtered water

What kind of water to pour in the iron?

Today, there are several options for refilling liquids for irons:

  • Special solutions with optimal pH and boiling point. They have a minimum content of salts forming insoluble crusts. Perfume components are added to most solutions. The main disadvantage of such liquids is the high price.
  • Tap water. This option is suitable only for areas with soft water. But in most areas of our country, the water is too hard.

For most users, it will be optimal to use either a mixture of tap water with distilled water, or water passed through a household filter with a softening cartridge.

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  1. Sandra
    07/24/2024 at 16:07 Reply

    I have been using distilled water for more than 5 years. Purely. No scale. I have such a job, every day I iron for 2-3 hours.
    Before that I used plain water. The iron then failed a year later. So much scum was accumulated in a week. Picked out and re-picked. Something hurt.
    I don’t know with distillate grief.

    • Ilya
      07/25/2024 at 12:56

      +100500 I have been using only distilled water in my iron for 9 years, like new.

    • Dristiller
      07/28/2024 at 21:48

      Of course, the call to use distilled water is pure deception! pH dist. water is equal to 7, i.e. it is neutral. Alkali actively corrodes, for example, aluminum. Try holding the aluminum plate at the end. caustic solution (NaOH) - and you will see how the surface acquires a very noble matte texture. About raising the boiling point, this is just a "clinic"! It is in distilled water that it is equal to 100 degrees, and with an increase in the number of salts it does not increase, because the water evaporates as usual, at the same temperature of 100 degrees, and the salts do not evaporate, but settle in the iron, incapacitating it, closing TEN! It’s just beneficial for the company that you are buying a new iron! The sooner the better!

    • Andrey
      07/29/2024 at 09:59

      Imagine how iron makers hate you!

  2. Svetlana
    07.24.2019 at 17:13 Reply

    Complete nonsense. The temperature of distilled water is BELOW than with salts. And the acidity of distilled water is NEUTRAL. The pH of the salts dissolved in it changes.

    • Vladimir
      07/26/2024 at 15:44

      Svetlana, you missed the word “boiling” after the word “temperature”, and everything else “5”.

  3. Andrey
    07.24.2019 at 17:47 Reply

    And if just boiled?

    • Yuri
      07/25/2024 at 16:35

      And if you study physics and chemistry at school?

    • Sergio
      07/28/2024 at 15:35

      I agree, I use boiled water after it settles down and insoluble dregs precipitate

  4. Dmitry
    07.24.2019 at 18:58 Reply

    Are experts familiar with elementary physics? Distilled water boils at 100 degrees - this is an axiom (at normal pressure)! All other salt solutions boil at higher temperatures.

  5. Alexander
    07/24/2024 at 20:24 Reply

    It’s all a lie. I’ve been using a single iron for 15 years. I’m doing fine.

    • Alexander
      07/27/2024 at 01:54

      I’ve been using one iron for 25 years !!! True, there is no steamer in it ...

    • Victor
      08/04/2024 at 14:01

      25 years old is a wimp! I’m 50 years old - I’m warming on gas and at least 4 kg of pure metal and like new!

  6. Alexey
    07/24/2024 at 20:17 Reply

    RAVE! The boiling point of distilled water is EXACTLY 100 degrees Celsius (salt-MORE). Cold distilled water can absorb carbon dioxide and becomes slightly acidic (pH 5.4-6.6). But it is very small, for any harm. Soft water also contains salts, which, when evaporated, remain in the iron and spoil it. (The misconception that soft water does not leave scale is based on the observation of scale precipitation in a kettle, BUT there the water almost does not evaporate, and in the iron it evaporates completely). Therefore, for irons only distilled water is applicable.

    • Sergey
      09/30/2024 at 03:04

      Alexei, above 100 gr. C water turns into steam, and it doesn’t matter how much salt it contains. Otherwise, the conclusion is correct

  7. Aslan
    07/24/2024 at 21:36 Reply

    Definitely the use of distilled water extends the "life" of the iron. And who is not profitable? Arguments about the pH of distilled water for the ignoramus and losers, about the boiling point, just for morons.

    • Valery
      07/30/2024 at 00:24

      Sharp and clear for everyone !! And do not need further verbiage.

  8. Alexander
    07/24/2024 at 23:09 Reply

    In professional steam generators (in other words, steam irons in the sewing industry), ONLY distilled water is poured. Any other liquid is strictly prohibited by the instructions of the device manufacturer. As a production mechanic, once a year, before vacation, I disassemble the distiller, clean and rinse the tank and the heating elements. A lot of scale and some clay small mucus, river water from the city network after cleaning. I pour only distillate into the iron home. The article is either custom-made, or someone decided to troll readers and spark controversy.

    • Alexey
      07/27/2024 at 21:10

      It’s good that they attracted the attention of people, after reading about the consequences of using distilled or running water, people will choose distilled water, I use it myself, they brought the iron to be repaired after they used the running water for a year, I got drunk holes in the sole, and they started to scale up.

    • Alexander, but different
      11/10/2024 at 02:06

      Namely, that "professional steam generators", and the speech in the article seems about mass irons.

      They wrote about: “98 gasoline is being poured into the Bugatti Veyron. Any other is strictly prohibited. As a minder, I serve Veyron. And in my UAZ, instead of 76 pour 98, there was almost no detonation and almost nothing burned out. ”

      Household irons are designed for ease of maintenance (i.e. tap water) and for a short service life. Therefore, do not be so categorical. Although the article does not reveal the answer to the question posed in the title, I did not see outright stupidity there.

  9. Common man
    07/25/2024 at 02:24 Reply

    I’ve been using boiled water for 12 years and no problems!

    • Igor
      07/27/2024 at 01:45

      There are more salts in it. Boiling microbes kills, and ironing them on the drum.

    • Peter
      08/15/2024 at 11:57

      There is less salt in boiled water than in tap water. But they are there. In the disciplined they are practically nonexistent.

    • Igor
      09/14/2024 at 10:53

      A spoonful of salt per liter of water. Stir, taste salty. Boil (part of the water evaporates), try it, VERY salty. Everything!!! There is nothing to argue about.

  10. Vladimir Grishin
    07/25/2024 at 06:04 Reply

    Even in Soviet-made irons, I always poured distilled water 40 years ago.

  11. Victor
    07/25/2024 at 13:43 Reply

    And to take water after boiling from a teapot is not fate? Part will go into sediment, but still enough will remain. Scale is worse.

    • Valery
      07/30/2024 at 00:37

      In boiled salts more, because clean water evaporated.

  12. Dmitry
    07/25/2024 at 16:07 Reply

    It feels like the article was written by manufacturers of water for irons. Distilled water is too cheap and a good substitute for their water.

  13. Oleg
    07/25/2024 at 18:07 Reply

    We have been using distilled water for twenty years. Three irons have changed. The article is nonsense of the victim of the exam.
    Well, either paid by manufacturers of special expensive "liquids for irons."
    Or, even funnier, paid by the manufacturers of irons, which from the tap water will clog and fail four times as often.

  14. Sergey
    07/25/2024 at 22:14 Reply

    Alas, with the level of education that those who ruined the Soviet Union finally achieved, ignorance of physics and chemistry, and indeed of all other sciences, such articles appear all the time, not only that the author is sure that they read and surround her same morons. And to judge that you don’t know among modern youth is becoming more and more common, because they do not bear responsibility for their words and are sure that everything written or said by them is pure truth.
    Sad to be honest.

  15. Eugene
    07/26/2024 at 10:44 Reply

    The earth is flat, distilled water is acidic, the author had “5” in school at singing.

    • Gennt
      07/26/2024 at 18:20

      All articles should be edited by scientific commissions; if the articles are false, then those who read must pay compensation

  16. Katya
    07/26/2024 at 14:03 Reply

    Reminds lyrics of a song:
    You don't need a knife for a fool
    Three lies to him
    And do what you like with him

  17. Victor
    07/27/2024 at 00:54 Reply

    The invention of bicycles is a much more promising activity against the discovery of previously unknown properties of distilled water. It's time to discuss the composition of automotive antifreeze. And splash water from the tap into the cooling system. Sorry for the radiator and block head? Of course, the car is not an iron

  18. Sergio
    07/27/2024 at 16:43 Reply

    The instructions are still incorrectly translated into Russian. In the original, there is no need to use distilled water, since there is a filter from scale, and translate that you can not use it. I use only distilled water for decades wherever scum can form, even in the engine (old car). And the article is stupid, it’s a disaster if illiterate and stupid people try to reason, use concepts that they have no idea about, and then also publish for money

  19. Tatyana.
    07/29/2024 at 08:15 Reply

    I always use boiled water.

  20. Parsifal
    07/29/2024 at 10:26 Reply

    God, why did I read this! Author, step march to school to teach chemistry for the eighth grade.

    • Vladimir
      07/30/2024 at 12:12

      Parsifal, the school now does not teach physics and chemistry, but how to contrive to pass the exam!

  21. Older
    07/29/2024 at 11:11 Reply

    We use filtered water by the reverse osmosis method (this is almost distillate) and there are no problems with the iron, nor with the steam cleaner, nor with the steam generator. Distilled water is NEUTRAL. The boiling point is more dependent on atmospheric pressure than on salts. For example, on the 25th floor it can be 3-5 degrees lower than on the 1st.

  22. Alexander
    07/29/2024 at 20:59 Reply

    The author carries nonsense, the boiling point of water is 100 °, and the saline solution due to bound water is only higher, a clearly ordered post, 10 years of operation of the iron on the distillate without repair of dirt and other troubles

  23. Dmitry
    07/30/2024 at 05:09 Reply

    I have been using the iron for more than 10 years. I pour only distilled water into it. The article seems to me custom. Nonsense is complete. Iron manufacturers are not profitable rare sale of goods.

  24. Vladimir
    08/02/2024 at 15:14 Reply

    The author heard a ringing, but does not know where he is. Indeed, if you take distilled water, pour it into a vessel perfectly polished from the inside and, protecting it from shocks and vibration, heat it, you can reach temperatures of more than 100 degrees Celsius without boiling. But all this is absolutely impossible for the iron.

  25. Alex
    08/09/2024 at 01:31 Reply

    And what, the stupid iron makers did not think of covering the evaporation chambers with something like Teflon, so that the scum would immediately crumble after formation of dandruff by small particles, and not form a crust?

  26. Alex
    08/10/2024 at 17:09 Reply

    All is not true. boiling point dist. The water BELOW is usually and it is tenths of a degree, that is, insignificant. Distillation removes all salts from the water, both alkaline and acidic; water cannot be acidic after distillation.

  27. Nikolay
    08/13/2024 at 14:59 Reply

    Kapets! Does distilled water have high acidity? The author, buy the “additives” for water in the iron yourself, and people don’t get stuck @ paradise brain! Better distilled for steam is not and cannot be.

  28. Michael
    08/14/2024 at 23:51 Reply

    I have been using distilled water for twenty years and I can present several serviceable rarities irons as proof. They bought new ones simply because new ones are easier and safer.

  29. Lyudmila
    08/22/2024 at 12:35 Reply

    When we bought a Philips iron, we read in the instructions “pour distilled water”. The iron has been working safely for 19 years (only 2 years ago they changed the cord with the plug).

  30. ozi
    09/25/2024 at 17:04 Reply

    It is more interesting for the manufacturer to change the irons more often, because of such advice.

  31. Gunka
    10/04/2024 at 05:46 Reply

    The author is completely fit to rule the state, his place in the government is passed the test!

  32. Vladimir Vladimirovich
    10/07/2024 at 01:05 Reply

    Boiled tap water will always be poured and will be poured. And the iron we have is the simplest with a ceramic coated sole, bought at the very beginning of this century.

  33. Sergey
    10/18/2024 at 15:39 Reply

    Rave. A complete lack of knowledge of elementary physics and chemistry!

  34. Holy
    10.20.2019 at 18:51 Reply

    The absence of salts in the water REDUCES the boiling point.

  35. bean
    10.20.2019 at 19:00 Reply

    you don’t need to be an expert to understand why manufacturers prohibit the use of distilled water: in this case, the equipment failure is sharply reduced))
    I went over and repaired more than a dozen irons, and the reason is the salts that clog the jets and disrupt the sealing of silicone cuffs. for the same reason, the iron leaks immediately after filling it with water. And yet, I often observed the following picture: the silicone sealant adapter is breaking the scale. therefore, even a newly purchased branded iron “drunk” with tap water is carried into service ..
    But 10 years ago, the manufacturer strongly recommended the use of distillate))

  36. Alexander Votinov
    10.21.2019 at 20:03 Reply

    Author, go do your homework, especially chemistry and physics, then maybe you will get triples instead of bad luck.

  37. Alexander
    11/10/2024 at 02:15 Reply

    I read the comments. So everyone seems to be right, but not quite.
    1. Manufacturers usually write “the iron is designed for use with tap water” - everything is correct here. When developing mass technology, it is natural to focus on the masses. It would be foolish to narrow the audience by tying the equipment to distilled water.
    2. The boiling point of distilled water (ceteris paribus and natural conditions) is really lower than that of tap water. But! Vaporization depends not only on the boiling point. Microscopic particles of salts stimulate the formation of steam (something like this can be observed when adding salt to boiling or even boiling water). Accordingly, all temperature conditions, evaporator chambers are designed specifically for tap water.
    3. Some irons use integrated water softening cartridges. According to distilled water, the contents of the cartridges will be washed out faster.
    4. Well, of course, all the instructions are written not only for users, but also for passing many certifications (and in a bunch of countries at the same time). Those. if manufacturers wrote that the service life is 3 years, then for certification, please describe all measures so that the iron retains its properties for all three years, and then let it burn with fire.

    Summarizing. The technique is made specifically for the use of tap water. This is statistically beneficial to the average user, and to the manufacturer.
    A manufacturer gets more sales and a natural failure through time.

    Actually, I described why the manufacturer does not recommend distilled water. But what water to use is up to you. Choose. Either the ideal operation of the device within the operating life, or the eternal, but mediocre iron.

    I pour only distilled. Although the equipment is not designed for it, I’m used to respecting things even to the detriment of comfort.


