Choosing a steam generator for home and cleaning - how to do it right?

Progress does not stand still, and such a “miracle of technology” as the iron is being replaced by more advanced appliances - steam generators. Modern housewives are increasingly thinking about the transition to the use of these devices, and they face a logical question - how to choose a steam generator. First of all, it is necessary to decide for what purpose the device will be used.

Household steam generator

If it is intended for home, then some characteristics are taken into account, but if for regular and thorough professional use, they are already different. In any case, the choice made in favor of the steam generator will significantly save energy and time spent on ironing things and caring for some household items.

Domestic steam generator: purpose, functions, types

Despite the fact that a household steam generator is similar to the most ordinary iron, it differs in design, mechanism of operation and a set of functions performed. Before choosing an iron with a steam generator or a steamer for clothes, it is worth considering this universal model.

upholstery steamer

Its undeniable advantage is the fact that it can perform many useful functions for the home:

  1. Perfectly smooths fabrics of any type and at the same time removes stains from their surface.
  2. Allows you to eliminate most types of contaminants from furniture upholstery, carpets (including stains of wine, coffee, juice, blood).
  3. Cleans even tiles and plumbing.

Tip: When thinking about purchasing a domestic steam generator for the home, it is worth giving preference to models with a separate boiler. Although they require a certain amount of preparation time, the quality of work is at the height due to the highest possible steam temperature.

steam generator

With all this, the process of processing products is very simple and takes a minimum of time. In the process of manipulation, dry steam is produced that cleans, disinfects and smoothes without damaging the surface.

Modern iron with steam generator

It can be whole steam stations and ironing systems, which consist of an iron and a boiler. They can be used at home, but nevertheless they are most suitable for professional seamstresses and ironers, who are constantly forced to deal with a large amount of fabric. The device is capable of performing the following functions:

  • It smoothes any fabrics (from underwear to outerwear) twice as fast as traditional machines.
  • It removes dirt from the surface of furniture upholstery and other textile products. Eliminates not only spots, but also villi, threads, fights with an unpleasant odor.
  • The models are equipped with a steam supply function in an upright position, which eliminates the need for an ironing board.
  • Often, complete with the design are numerous nozzles and brushes that can be used when cleaning the house.

steam iron

To choose an iron with a steam generator, it is necessary to be guided not only by the set of functions available to it, additional options, but also take into account the technical characteristics. It should be noted that due to the specifics of the mechanism, after filling the tank with water and connecting the device, you need to wait about 5-10 minutes. This is necessary to create pressure in the boiler, ensuring uninterrupted supply of steam.

Features of garment steamers

Another type of steam generator that can significantly alleviate household chores.The device delivers a powerful jet of steam, under the influence of which any irregularities and creases on the fabric are smoothed out. Unlike a conventional iron, the steamer does not stretch the fibers of the fabric, but makes them more flexible and voluminous. The temperature of the steam does not exceed 99ºС, therefore no harm is inflicted on the material (whether it is natural or synthetic). The work is carried out in an upright position, so that you do not have to look for a place at home also for the board.

In addition to all of the above, this steam generator has several more obvious positive qualities:

  1. You can start working almost immediately after turning on the steamer.
  2. The device can work for a long time without interruption.
  3. The functional part of the device is very light and convenient to use.
  4. Simultaneously with smoothing, an unpleasant odor is eliminated, which often comes from products that have been stored for a long time.
  5. The exposure temperature is sufficient to disinfect things, eliminate dust mites and other pathogenic microflora, and clean furniture upholstery.

By purchasing a model for the house that is not equipped with a self-cleaning system, you may encounter the problem of rapid scale formation. This can be avoided by filling the boiler with distilled water.

garment steamer

Features to watch out for

To always get the desired degree of cleaning and smoothing things, when choosing the optimal steam generator, special attention should be paid to the following parameters:

  • Power. Many housewives try to save on this component, giving preference to low-power units. Experts and experienced users for the home recommend considering models with an indicator of at least 2500 watts.
  • Features of steam supply. The higher the pressure at which steam is supplied, the more efficient the device will work. It is these devices that need to be considered if the steam generator is planned to be used not only for clothing care, but also for other textile products. A huge plus is the presence of the function of vertical steaming.
  • Capacity for water. The option with a small tank is ideal for a home. It takes up less space, if necessary, it can always be filled. Well, if the tank body is transparent, this will allow you to freely monitor the liquid level and note the appearance of traces of scale.
  • The presence of a system of protection against scale. It is not so important what this option is presented with - a scaling rod or a device informing that the boiler needs to be cleaned.
  • Regulators of work. For the home, it is best to purchase a device that independently regulates the quality of the steam supply, depending on the type of fabric. In extreme cases, you can get by with an apparatus that you need to adjust yourself. Universal devices without regulators, although cheaper, cause a lot of trouble during operation.
  • Security. A fairly important requirement for an electrical device. It is good if the steam generator is equipped with an automatic shutdown function when overheating. The iron stand must be reliable, not slippery.
  • Weight. Do not think that the mass of the structure will not play an important role if the ironing takes place much faster than usual. The device must be selected so that its operation does not cause uncomfortable sensations, otherwise the textile processing process will turn into torment.

steam generators

Separately, it will be necessary to consider the material from which the sole of the iron is made. Modern models are most often represented by the following options:

  • Steel. Perfectly glides on any materials, is unpretentious in leaving, does not get dirty, is cleaned without problems, it is steady against mechanical influence. At the same time, the material is heavy and requires more time for heating.
  • Aluminum. Heats up quickly and cools, is lightweight.When exposed to mechanical stress, it can become scratched, which then leaves damage to the fabric.
  • Cermets. Such soles, although they are characterized by excellent gliding, the speed of heating and cooling, and resistance to scratches, are quite fragile.
  • Titanium. The material that is used in expensive devices of the highest class. It is durable and reliable, but requires a lot of time to heat and cool.
  • Combined options. They mean a combination of two (and even more metals), which reduces the severity of their shortcomings and activates the advantages.

In addition to all these points, when choosing a steam generator for the home, you should pay attention to the brand's fame, the availability of a product warranty, and external data is also often an indicator of the high quality of the system. The presence of additional nozzles in such installations, a sufficient length of hoses and wires is welcome. Before purchasing a product, it is necessary to try it in practice to make sure that it is easy to use.

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  1. Galina
    12/28/2024 at 21:29 Reply

    I bought a new steam generator on Avito. Tefal. Compared to the iron, it is certainly better. The disadvantages are most likely caused by my ignorance and neglect. I left water in the tank and generally used tap water. Because of this, instead of steam, I got water, and after drying - yellow smudges (Now I need to clean it (


