The truth and fiction about the dangers of a Wi-Fi router in an apartment

Modern life is unthinkable without television, cellular communications and the Internet. Perhaps, only a scanty part of the population of our planet is not familiar with these discoveries. Mankind has enjoyed technological benefits for many years. But few people wonder if these achievements really benefit. Perhaps, the increasing cases of strokes, dementia, decreased performance are not accidental? It is worthwhile to understand in more detail on the example of such a discovery as a wireless Wi-Fi connection. What is this device? Is Wi-Fi router harmful in a modern apartment of an ordinary person?

Wi-Fi Signal Router

What is a Wi-Fi signal and what is a router for?

Wi-Fi is a type of signal using electromagnetic waves, necessary for receiving and transmitting data. The signal is based on the wireless transmission of waves from one device to another. This connection helps users access the network from any device designed for this, whether it be a laptop, smartphone or tablet - if the device supports wireless connections, then you can access the Internet.

In order to “distribute” a Wi-Fi signal, you need a special transmitter - a router, or router. It connects to the local network on your personal computer, thereby making it possible to access the Internet from any home device. The router greatly simplifies the life of a modern family, in which there are many gadgets that require an Internet connection.

You can purchase a router in a specialized hardware store. Now there are a lot of routers for any wallet. For home use, you can choose an inexpensive device with a low power signal distribution. But a large company needs a high-quality router with high power.

Wi-Fi hotspot

Environmental Impact of Wi-Fi

The last few years, doctors of medical sciences have paid attention to radio wave radiation. A large number of studies and experiments were carried out, during which it was found out that such radiation can affect living organisms. Scientists around the world have sounded the alarm.

The fact is that during careful research several negative consequences for living organisms were revealed.

  • Heat exposure. Electromagnetic radiation penetrates our planet through. Meeting obstacles in the form of living organisms, radio waves try to seep through them, causing tissue heating. In large quantities, such radiation can lead to an increase in body temperature and overheating of internal organs.
  • Biological impact. Electromagnetic waves can slow down and accelerate processes in the body. Such radiation can cause changes in pressure, inhibition of metabolism in living organisms, blunting reactions and reflexes.

Of course, for a really harmful effect on the environment, quite powerful sources of such radiation are needed. A wireless router does not have such power, so it is not able to radically harm the environment.


Is Wi-Fi harmful to human health?

As already mentioned, electromagnetic radiation can affect living organisms. In the human body, high radio wave radiation can cause some changes:

  • increase or decrease in blood pressure;
  • change in body temperature;
  • dizziness and weakness;
  • headache;
  • nervousness and irritability;
  • drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia;
  • poor appetite;
  • lethargy and apathy.

Particularly acute is the problem of radiation in the apartment. Due to the fact that the apartments are quite small and the routers are located close to the place of permanent stay of family members, there are concerns. It is worth noting that in combination with cell phones, a microwave oven, computers and other equipment, routers are not able to have the best effect on the human body.

A sufficient number of Internet users who have a router at home note fatigue, weakness and dizziness by the end of the day. Do not deny the negative effects of radio waves on the human body.

Many medical workers are inclined to believe that the increasing incidence of brain cancer, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's is a consequence of the emission of electromagnetic waves. This has not yet been proven, but studies are actively being conducted that will confirm or refute this conjecture. However, it is better not to wait for this moment, but already now think about maintaining your health.

And what about the children's body? Conscientious parents are interested in the problem of the harmfulness of WiFi radiation to children's health. Many developed countries are actively fighting harmful electromagnetic radiation. At home and in schools, they try to limit and minimize the harmful effects of radio waves on immature children's organisms.

Wi-Fi router in the apartment

Ways to protect against electromagnetic radiation from routers

As a result of the above, the question becomes important: is it possible to protect yourself from Wi-Fi? It is impossible to completely eliminate the harm of electromagnetic waves, since they penetrate our entire living space. But there are ways to help make wireless radiation as safe as possible.

  1. Do not install the router in the place where the family spends the most time. The installation of the device in the bedroom is especially contraindicated.
  2. Do not stay near the router for a long time. Try to install it away from the workplace.
  3. Turn off your router at night and while you’re away from home.
  4. If your device has high power, try to reduce it a little. In this case, you will still have access to the Internet, but the harm to others will be minimal.

If you are a fan of chatting on the phone in social networks and instant messengers (Viber, Whats app, VK, Skype), then use a headset for the duration of the conversation. So you prevent the effects of radiation from your smartphone on the brain. It has long been proven that such a precaution reduces the risk of headache, dizziness, increased intracranial pressure. As a result, the likelihood of strokes and malignant neoplasms is reduced.

Wi-Fi in the subway

What is more good or harm in the router?

An unequivocal answer to this question has not been found so far. Some argue that a wireless connection does much less harm than televisions and microwaves. Others insist that routers and the Internet are evil in their purest form.

According to reviews by users of social networks, few people wonder if Wi-Fi is really harmful. Most people find it easier to live with the idea that all is well and manufacturers have taken care of the safety of the population. Only a few want to figure this out and start looking for answers to their question.

According to recent studies, it has become clear that routers do not emit so much radiation as to radically harm the human body. Routers are no more dangerous than a TV or tablet. But how many such devices are located within one apartment? If you count, then the average family of 4 people has at least 1 phone, computer, TV, microwave, tablets or other devices (e-book, netbook, game consoles). It is likely that all together these devices affect our body negatively.

What to do? Refuse all the benefits of civilization in order to maintain health? Or harm yourself for the benefit of technology? The answer, as always, is indecently simple. It is enough to correctly allocate time using electronic devices and pay more attention to real life. Try to relax in the fresh air, temper and spend time on physical development. And then no radiation can cause you significant harm.

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  1. Alla
    04/01/2024 at 03:49 Reply

    Even if you turn off the router at night, I don’t think that the neighbors turn it off either, do radio waves not penetrate the concrete walls? Maybe with a smaller amplitude, but they are present, and accordingly always, even if you turn it off at home, there is the penetration of radio waves and you can’t get away from them .. anyway (

  2. Vladimir
    06/16/2024 at 22:44 Reply

    Absolutely stupid article, created to catch up with the horror of moms. Not a single link either to scientific works, or to the scientists themselves who conducted at least some research in the field of harm of emitted waves to the body. Quotes of the type “Many medical workers are inclined to believe that the increasing incidence of brain cancer, Alzheimer's and Parkinson’s diseases is a consequence of the emission of electromagnetic waves.” Nothing is fixed, you, as the author of this article, should have considered when writing that most would read Strings will already be shunned by Wi-Fi zones, not yet able to think sensibly. My opinion about this article has already been said - the article was written just to be written, not a single argument either to the supporters that the waves from the routers are harmful or to the supporters of the fact that there is no harm. I advise you to read other forums and articles are desirable, which are fixed by the author and the study.


