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Brown plaque on ceramic iron
Violetta 03/20/2024 at 19.53

A brown coating has formed on the ceramic iron for hair straightening, advise how to clean it so as not to damage the surface. How often do you need to clean a ceramic coated iron?

Modern mistress
03/21/2024 at 22.37

The appearance of a brown coating on the surface of the ceramic iron can be prevented. To do this, it is enough to clean the product after each use with a soft, lint-free cloth. We wait until the surface becomes warm or completely cools down and polishes it with a suitable material until a shine and a feeling of absolute smoothness appear. We work on the entire surface, we make movements in only one direction.

If these measures were ignored or did not help, you can restore the functional surface using one of the following methods:

  1. We take microfiber and polish the ceramic coating with it, making circular movements. If the coating does not lend itself, you can slightly warm up the iron and repeat the approach.
  2. Particularly dense plaque, not amenable to mechanical stress, can go away under the action of a professional pencil. Products designed for household irons with ceramic soles can also cope with such specific items. We warm up the device, apply a pencil on its surface, which should melt, after which we remove the active composition along with soot. Unfortunately, the approach works only on powerful devices that can cause pencil melting.
  3. If plaque is not very old, then vinegar or nail polish remover can remove it. First, we rub the surface with a terry towel dipped in warm water, then we process it with the chosen product, applying it to a cotton pad. We complete the manipulation again with a damp towel, after which we dry the device.

If it was not possible to completely remove the plaque, then the plates cannot be used, they will burn out the hair. It is better to replace them or purchase a completely new device.


