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How can I clean my glasses and remove scratches on my lenses?
Elena 03/18/2024 at 17.44

The glasses and the rim of the glasses wiped off over time and slight scratches appeared. How can I clean my glasses at home and remove scratches on my lenses?

Experienced hostess
03/19/2024 at 14.49

In the case of glass lenses, it is almost impossible to eliminate scratches, at least independently. It is better to turn to professionals who can say for sure whether there is an opportunity to improve the quality of the review or not do without replacing elements.

But when working with plastic, which is increasingly used in modern glasses, one of the following tools can help:

  • Microfiber cloth. Regular wiping of lenses and frames with a unique fabric will allow you to gently polish the surface. True, this approach is better applied as a preventive rather than a recovery measure.
  • Toothpaste. It should be very soft, without abrasive particles, brightening crystals and other auxiliary elements. Frame and lenses need to be dealt with separately, provided that they have a clear separation. First, wash the selected part, get wet with a napkin, removing excess moisture. We apply a little paste to the surface and start rubbing it with a soft, lint-free cloth. We work for about five minutes, wash off the composition, polish the surface with microfiber and evaluate the result. If necessary, repeat the approach several times.
  • Transparent furniture polish. We apply it on the affected area in a minimal amount and rub it with a cloth without lint until the composition is completely distributed over the surface. A transparent mass will fill in the scratches and significantly improve the quality of the review.
  • Soda. A good effect is given by soda paste. To prepare it, we dilute baking soda with boiled water, stir until a homogeneous liquid paste is texture. We apply a small amount of mass on the plastic and rub it in a circular or reverse-translational motion. Every five minutes, we wash off the product and evaluate the result.

We do the same with the frame. To reduce the risk of product breakdown, we apply a minimum of force, we try to compensate for this by numerous repetitions.


