How to deal with mice in a private house?

Mice in a private home are a real disaster for the owners. Small ubiquitous rodents rustle and squeak at night, spoil food and furniture, gnaw electrical wiring - and this is just a short list of the troubles that accompany the appearance of gray pests. As carriers of many diseases, mice pose a serious danger to human health. Forever getting rid of mice and rats in a private house is not an easy task. There are many ways to combat these malicious pests. These are ready-to-use pesticides, and various traps that repel substances. The main thing is to choose the most effective one from them and do not give up until a mouse remains in the house.

Mice in bread

Where do the mice come from in the house?

In the warm season, the house mouse feels great in nature, being content with grains of cereals, seeds and vegetables. With the onset of cold weather, she hurries to take refuge in a person’s home, where she forgets about tasty and wholesome food and nibbles everything that comes in her way: plastic, wood and even iron. The mouse must always nibble to grind continuously growing incisors.

The mobile and soft bones of the skull, the tiny body and sharp teeth allow the pest to crawl through the smallest holes. A hole with a diameter of 6 mm is enough for the mouse to settle in the house with all its family and many friends. Therefore, the first thing to do to protect your home from mice is to close up all the cracks and holes through which the enemy can penetrate.

One of the reasons for the appearance of mice is the failure to comply with basic sanitation. Rodents would rather choose a house with an eternally dirty floor, crumbs on the table, food scattered on shelves, rather than clean housing.

It is impossible not to notice that mice settled in the house. In all the places where these animals visited - in the attic, near the bin, in boxes with food - there are traces of their life. In addition, an unpleasant specific smell appears in the house, and at night there is rustling and noise that cannot be confused with other sounds.

To remove mice from a private house, it is necessary to remove all products in a place inaccessible to rodents, close the cracks and holes, and destroy or expel the remaining individuals in one of the following ways.

  • With the help of folk remedies.
  • Scare away organic repellents.
  • Set a mousetrap.
  • Treat the room with pesticides.
  • Use an ultrasound device.

If after these events the problem remains unresolved, professional bullying of domestic rodents is necessary.

Folk remedies for mice

Folk remedies for mice

Mice annoy people since ancient times, so a lot of folk methods and techniques have accumulated that allow you to permanently get rid of uninvited guests.


Rodents do not tolerate pungent odors, in particular they do not like the smell of peppermint. In order to scare away pests from your home, you can decompose the dried leaves and branches of this plant on shelves with food or use peppermint oil, which is sold in pharmacies. To do this, proceed as follows:

  • roll a ball of cotton wool and wet it with oil;
  • place several of these balls in the places where the mice most often appear: near the bin, on racks and shelves, near ventilation hatches;
  • every three days, the balls with mint should be updated.

Wood ash

One of the effective means to get rid of mice in a private house is wood ash. The fact is that the ash contains alkali, which corrodes the delicate mouse paws. Trying to get rid of caustic matter, rodents lick it, which causes irritation of the stomach. To deliver such inconvenience to mice, it is enough to finely crush the ash and scatter it on the floor in the basement or in the attic at the rate of a 5 m bucket2 area.

Gypsum plaster

The method of destroying mice using gypsum is less humane than the previous two. The essence of this folk remedy is as follows: prepare a mixture of gypsum, sugar and flour, put a bowl with refreshments in a prominent place. A small container of water is placed next to the bait. The mouse, after eating a sweet mixture, will definitely want to get drunk. Water, once it enters the body of an animal, will come into contact with gypsum, which subsequently hardens and paralyzes the vital organs of the rodent.

Mouse fight

Organic repellents

Many manufacturers of organic products used in agriculture offer a wide selection of rodent repellents. These agents are less harmful to nature and humans compared to pesticides. The composition of repellents contains natural substances, such as peppermint, which make pests look for a new home. These organic products are available in aerosol form and are sold in stores selling home and garden products.



For catching mice invented many devices and devices called mousetraps.

It is interesting!

The first mousetrap was invented by Maxim Hiram, who a little later developed the design of a machine gun with the same name.

The simplest mousetrap is a fairly primitive device, equipped with a spring lever. Cheese, chocolate or sunflower seeds that rodents love so much are trapped as bait. After the mouse reaches for food, the trigger is activated and kills the pest.

There are mousetraps, which are an iron cage with a slamming door. The mouse remains alive, it can be released away from home.

Electric mousetraps kill the animal quickly and painlessly. Having fallen into such a trap, the animal touches a plate through which a high-voltage current passes, and instantly dies.

Despite the fact that mousetraps, sticky sheets and other similar devices for catching rodents are often used in the household, they have their drawbacks. It is necessary to constantly monitor whether prey is caught in the trap, and to free the trap in a timely manner, otherwise the fetid smell cannot be avoided. In addition, another domestic animal and even a small child may fall into the mousetrap, therefore, such devices should be installed in places that are difficult to access for humans.

Poison for rodents

How to poison rodents?

If there is no patience or strength left to fight mice with folk remedies and with the help of organic repellents, you will have to connect "heavy artillery" in the form of toxic chemicals. Poisoned bait from rodents (rodenticides) are scattered in places of frequent pests. Mice should disappear within three weeks.


Do not place containers with poison bait in places where small children and pets can be!

Rodenticides are deadly not only for rodents, but also for other warm-blooded animals, including humans, therefore, when working with these toxic substances, the following precautions should be observed:

  • do not store pesticides in places accessible to children;
  • Do not place rodenticides near food and detergents, so as not to confuse;
  • when choosing rodenticide, it is better to avoid drugs that contain arsenic or strychnine, since these substances are fatal to humans;
  • if poisoning has occurred, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Modern pesticides, such as Storm or Mortorat, contain substances that interfere with blood coagulation. A dead mouse does not give off a fetid spirit, as its body is mummified.

The drug "Goliath" acts in a completely different way. The poisoned animal suffers attacks of suffocation, runs out into the street and dies there.

There are bacterial drugs, the action of which is aimed at ridding a person’s home of rodents. Bactorodencides are cereal grains artificially infected with typhoid. These funds can destroy a whole colony of pests and at the same time are absolutely safe for humans.

Ultrasonic repeller

Ultrasound Against Pests

Frightening devices, whose operation is based on the characteristics of the effects of ultrasound on rodents, are considered the most effective and safe for humans. As you know, mice live in large families and communicate with each other at low frequencies (30-110 kHz). If you arrange pests with an ultrasonic attack, communication between them will become impossible. Moreover, prolonged exposure to high frequencies threatens the pest with a complete disorder of the nervous system, up to madness.

An ultrasonic device does not take up much space and is inexpensive, with its help you can permanently rid the house of rats and mice.

Advantages of ultrasonic devices used against rodents:

  • ultrasonic waves act on all individuals at the same time, so the whole family leaves an uncomfortable home;
  • mice do not die, therefore the appearance of an unpleasant smell is excluded;
  • unlike traps, devices do not need to be checked and freed from trapped animals;
  • the device consumes only 10 watts of electricity;
  • the device can last more than 10 years.

These modern devices have some disadvantages:

  • the device must be kept constantly on, otherwise, the mice may return;
  • ultrasound is reflected from hard surfaces, which means that you will have to buy a separate device in each room or keep the doors always open;
  • ultrasound weakens when passing through fleecy materials, so you can not direct the device towards carpets or flooring;
  • on the street, the effect of using this device is noticeable in a radius of no more than 15 m.

Ultrasound devices can be bought at hardware stores or ordered online. The most famous are products under the brand name. “Tornado”, “Typhoon”, “Hawk”, “Chiston”.

Having noticed the first signs of the appearance of mice in the house, one must immediately declare war on harmful animals and use all possible means for this. The mouse family is growing at an incredible speed, so if you do not drive away or destroy these gray “occupiers”, then the owner will soon have to look for a new home.

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leave a comment
  1. Oksana Nezhdanova
    08/05/2024 at 17:56 Reply

    Yes, there is only one remedy - poison !! Humanely-not humanely, they will not disappear in any way, they will leave for a maximum of time. For a very long time this scourge was fought both at home and in the country. Last time they poisoned the mice with a Rodent. No. It’s a very good remedy, it doesn’t cause addiction in rodents, they run out to die on the street, then in the house there are no corpses or a bad smell. For the second month there is no one.


