Can I get bugs out of the apartment on my own?

Even the most modern cleanliness may have an unexpected question at first glance: how to get bed bugs? No wonder, because this problem can affect anyone. Unpleasant tenants get into the apartment in new furniture, on the clothes of guests, make their way from neighbors. And destroying them at home is not so simple. They soon get used to poisons and stop responding to them. In addition, they are very small and can hide in unexpected places. To get rid of them forever, it is necessary to process all their habitats.

Protective suit for bullying bugs

Where to start the fight against bedbugs?

Specialized services will most quickly and efficiently cope with bedbugs. They use certified drugs that are guaranteed to cope with parasites, which is not always possible with alternative methods. For best effect, ULV generators are used. They create a uniform cloud of poisonous substance, while the insecticide is spent less.

You can fight insects on your own. The process will be longer, but if everything is done correctly, then the bugs will disappear.

Chemicals are more effective than folk remedies. When using them, precautions should be taken.

  • Processing the apartment from bed bugs is carried out in a special suit. You can’t do without a respirator, glasses, and gloves.
  • The procedure should not be attended by strangers, especially children. Animals also need to be temporarily removed from the house.
  • Fighting parasites at home will have a better chance of success if you follow the instructions for the drug.

To get rid of parasites on their own, it is necessary to identify infected places and give them the most attention. You can not miss a single inaccessible corner. The appearance of bed bugs in the apartment is usually due to bites, mostly at night. From this we can conclude that beds and upholstered furniture are especially loved by them. Small larvae can penetrate mattresses and pillows. Insects also settle in other furniture, behind skirting boards, wallpaper, on soft toys, even on clothes in a closet. It is impossible to be lazy, it is important to process the house to the maximum.

Bedbug treatment

How to handle the apartment?

Fighting bugs is similar to spring cleaning. Furniture is moved over, things are shaken up so as not to miss the larvae. In winter, small household items can be taken out to the balcony. Frost will help get rid of insects. For the drugs to work, it takes several days. After two weeks, it is advisable to repeat the disinfection. That is how much time the incubation period in eggs lasts. If it was not possible to completely destroy them on their own, then the apartment will again be invaded. Means to combat the problem, including folk ones, should be alternated so that the parasites do not adapt to them.


Mechanical destruction of insects, with your hands or with a vacuum cleaner, will not give a result, since most of them will hide.

After processing the home with drugs, cleaning is not carried out for some time. This will allow the poison to act. Only the most used places can be wiped with water and soda. It is advisable to leave the house for several days for the period of disinfection. So it will be easier to carry out several chemical treatments, and none of the households will breathe the fumes. After the procedure, you should do wet cleaning and thoroughly wipe all surfaces with a cloth moistened with a soda solution.

Bedbug aerosol

What to choose means?

Folk remedies help to independently remove bed bugs, but only if they have recently appeared in the apartment and their population is small in number. Chemicals have a more pronounced effect. They are found in the form of powders, aerosols, pencils or concentrates.

The following drugs are considered most effective.

  • "Executioner". Helps to quickly destroy insects, while practically non-toxic to humans and animals. It is sold in small bottles, their contents must be dissolved in water according to the instructions. This should be done immediately in the spray gun. Then they spray all the suspicious places in the apartment: upholstered furniture, beds, furniture, the spaces behind cupboards and wall-mounted carpets. It is advisable to process balconies, including glazed ones. Do not forget about clothes. After complete processing, the home should be left for several hours for the substance to work. After returning, the house is ventilated and cleaned. After a week, the disinfection should be repeated in order to surely get rid of the hatched larvae.
  • Geth. It is made by microencapsulation technology. It has a contact effect: it helps to get rid of bed bugs that simply ran over the surfaces smeared with the preparation. Properties are preserved until wet cleaning. Similarly, the Delta Zone and Lambda Zone also work.
  • Karbofos. It acts quickly, makes it possible to destroy at home and adult insects, and larvae, and even eggs. But reviews about it are ambiguous, since often the substance causes an allergic reaction.
  • Klopoveron, Tetrix. The fight with the help of these drugs is successful, they help to get rid of parasites in the apartment forever. But finding them on sale is not so simple, more often they are used by professional pest control.
  • “Raptor”, “Combat”, “Clean house”, “Dichlofos-Neo”. These funds are available in the form of aerosols, they are convenient to use at home. Most of them contain several active substances that are used against various insects.

Bed bugs

Is it possible to cope with bedbugs by folk methods?

Get rid of bed bugs and folk methods will help. But their effectiveness is doubtful, except if parasites only appeared in the apartment. In order for the drugs to work, they must go directly to the insects. In addition, they have a strong smell and not all are safe.

  • You can wipe all surfaces with vinegar: a pungent smell will scare away insects.
  • Tincture of Valerian. It does not affect the eggs of parasites, and adults will crawl out of their places.
  • Wormwood will also scare away bed bugs.
  • A mixture of water, turpentine and boiling water (per glass of boiling water - two tablespoons of the remaining components). She needs to handle all the places where insects can live.
  • Folk methods that help to remove bedbugs at home include evaporation and freezing. In the first case, all corners are treated with boiling water. The second option is suitable for cold winters. In severe frosts, you need to open all the windows so that the temperature drops for several hours in the apartment. Then the parasites will die.

If folk remedies did not work and it was not possible to remove bed bugs on their own, then you can try smoke bombs. The control of insects using these products is greatly simplified. After all, the smoke that contains the insecticide spreads throughout the apartment, penetrating even inaccessible cracks. Pyrethroid-based checkers are most effective and safe.


Do not forget that poisonous smoke must not enter the ventilation shaft!

The fight against parasites is not an easy task. To get rid of bed bugs, you have to make a lot of effort. Folk remedies are ineffective, and when using chemicals, you can skip some of the places chosen by parasites. If you can’t solve the problem yourself, you can always turn to specialized services.

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  1. Yuri
    10/07/2024 at 15:51 Reply

    The executioner and Geth are excellent insecticides in the fight against bugs. I checked it on my experience


