The most effective techniques for removing fleas from an apartment

An extremely unpleasant situation is when unpleasant neighbors, fleas, suddenly appear in their home and cozy home. They come from somewhere, even if there are no animals in the house, they bite and cause a lot of trouble. How to get fleas out of an apartment is not entirely clear, since this is a rather rare occurrence in urban conditions. But you can get rid of them, the main thing is not to delay the solution of this issue.


Where do fleas come from?

It’s a natural question if you don’t have cats at home and never have cats or dogs or even birds. But you notice specific bites on yourself and on household members, and you even managed to catch a small pest. In fact, in addition to those fleas that live on animals, there are other species. They live in basements, love carpets, furniture. The main thing is to be dusty, dry and have a source of food - that is, people. It was such fleas - household - that could settle in your apartment. They could enter from the basement if you live on the first floor, or someone could bring them on their shoes, especially if this person is often in the basement. Fleas breed very quickly and under favorable living conditions instantly spread throughout your apartment and begin to attack you.

Identifying the causes of pests at home will help you in the fight against bloodsucking insects. Knowing the enemy is half the battle against him. And you need to get rid of fleas as soon as you notice their presence. Besides the fact that in such a neighborhood it is inconvenient to admit possible guests, these insects also bite very unpleasantly and can become a carrier of many dangerous diseases. It should not be ruled out that children, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems may develop an allergy to insect waste products, which is also not a very pleasant scenario. Therefore, we arm ourselves with the knowledge and necessary drugs and begin to get rid of the unpleasant neighborhood.

Processing an apartment from fleas


The easiest way to get rid of any unpleasant insects is to go to the store, purchase special products and process the apartment. The main thing here is to follow the basic safety rules, so that in an attempt to remove fleas, you do not spoil your health.

  • Before processing the house, you need to remove flowers, food, remove children.
  • Wear a face shield and gloves.
  • After treatment, it is imperative to take a shower in order to wash off toxic substances.
  • Be sure to ventilate the apartment well.

Fulfillment of these simple conditions will help you not to be poisoned by fumes, which are inevitable when working with insect pests.

In stores you can find many effective tools that will help you.

  1. Aerosols. These funds are presented in huge quantities - this is the classic dichlorvos, and the advertised “Reid” and “Raptor”. Choose what is more suitable for you on finances or just more like it, and you can start processing. The advantage of aerosols is that it is very easy to work with them and there will definitely not be any untreated surfaces of the house. Minus is a big expense. This should be considered in order to immediately acquire the necessary amount of funds.
  2. Solutions. These products are sold in concentrated form, they must be diluted with water to process the apartment. The bottles indicate the area that can be processed, and how to properly prepare the poison for domestic fleas. Among such concentrates, Get, "The Executioner", "Kukarach", and "Tetrix" are considered the best.With their help, you can process a huge area, and they effectively fight against blood-sucking insects. But the minus is that not everyone likes to spend time preparing the product and it is not very convenient to apply it on all surfaces.
  3. Gels. A fairly common and effective tool that helps in the fight against fleas. The only negative - after it there are traces.

In addition to acquiring the product and protecting yourself and your family, you need to know how to properly process the premises from fleas. It is not enough just to spray the solution in the corners of the house. This will not help you get rid of insects. First of all, you need to walk on all surfaces, process all the cracks, even under skirting boards, furniture, and a sink in the kitchen. After the necessary time has passed for the poison to work, you must use a vacuum cleaner, since the poison acts only on adults. In the crevices, under the baseboards, in the carpets and in the furniture, eggs could remain, from which new offspring would hatch very soon, and they would have to start processing again. To prevent this from happening, you need to use a vacuum cleaner. Naturally, the unit then also needs to be treated with an insecticide.

After all the treatments, you can only thoroughly wash all surfaces from toxic agents and hope that fleas will not choose your apartment again as their place of residence.

Cedar essential oil

Folk techniques

Of course, special chemical insecticides are effective in getting rid of insects. But if you are afraid that your household may suffer, or simply an adversary of such means, you can try something from the national arsenal. All these methods are safe for people and animals and quite effectively help get rid of fleas at home.

  1. Freezing. This method is not one century old, and it is quite effective. All that is needed is that in severe frosts open all windows, turn off the heating and leave the room in this form for several hours. After that, no malicious insect will remain in your apartment. But such an effect is detrimental to indoor plants, and pipes can burst. Therefore, in modern conditions this is not the best option. It’s worth picking up something without such negative consequences. Fortunately, there are many techniques.
  2. Fleas do not like tansy. If you have a supply of this plant or if insects appeared in the summer, type it in the meadows and scatter in the habitats of pests. Soon enough, unpleasant neighbors will leave your apartment in search of a more welcoming home.

    Tip If there is no tansy, you can use other plants with a strong smell - wormwood, mint, lavender, eucalyptus.

  3. Cedar also helps well from home fleas. Pieces of wood are available at the pet store. Just put them around the apartment. Or you can try to use cedar essential oil, which you need to smear all the surfaces in the house. Another option is to expand the cotton pads soaked with them. Of course, this is a long business, but quite effective.
  4. You can try to prepare a lemon based product. Cut the citrus into pieces, pour 500 ml of water, boil a little and let it brew. Then, the resulting mixture must be sprayed in those places where fleas settled. Or, you can arrange the pieces of fruit at home, if you are comfortable with this option.
  5. Craftsmen also recommend using fine salt in the fight against domestic fleas. It is necessary to scatter it throughout the apartment, and after a few days, vacuum everything thoroughly. You can use soda in the same way.
  6. A mixture of brewer's yeast and garlic helps to remove fleas from the apartment. Effective, but the smell is poor.

As you can see, over many years of neighborhood with fleas, people have come up with a lot of tools to help both remove fleas from their homes and disinfect them. It remains only to choose what is more to your liking, and you can begin to fight.Or, if you do not want to waste your time and nerves, invite specialists who will instantly remove all unpleasant insects from your home. Of course, this is not cheap, but you can be sure that fleas will soon cease to annoy you.

Scented lamp


Of course, it is always easier to prevent the appearance of small bloodsuckers than to look for ways to solve the problem later. Therefore, if you live on the ground floor, you should take care to prevent the appearance of such unpleasant domestic insects. Be sure to close all the cracks, carefully clean, washing the baseboards and the space under the furniture. In addition, you can take advantage of the fact that fleas do not like it so much. That is, to spread the plants with a strong odor, pieces of cotton wool soaked in essential oils of cedar and lemon throughout the apartment. You can even plant geraniums at home - this plant is very disliked by any species of insects, including fleas.

If you immediately begin to act and take actions to protect your home from the penetration of fleas, then there is every chance that these insects will not appear in you.

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