The main ways to deal with spiders in the apartment

Spiders in the apartment are not uncommon. At the sight of them, people feel a sense of disgust and are afraid of bites, which in fact do not conceal any harm.

The main question that everyone who has ever encountered this problem is asked is where do the spiders come from? Why are there so many of them in the living quarters?

Little spider

The reasons for the appearance of spiders in the house

Their natural habitat is nature. How do they appear under the roof of the house? Slots - the place through which spiders penetrate the dwelling. They can also be brought on clothes.

If there are a lot of spiders in the apartment and they have braided all corners, then it’s good for them here. It is worth considering why? The spider will only be in the place where he gets food - flies, cockroaches and other small parasites.

The reason may be the old house, in which spiders wind up in the attics, and then move to other rooms.

Haying spider

Haying spider

Varieties of spiders living next to humans

So, after finding out where the spiders come from, we will determine which of their varieties are the most common in a residential building, because not everyone settles under the roof of a house or apartment. There are several types that can do this:

  • haying spider;
  • black and gray domestic spiders;
  • tramp spiders.

The haying spider is one of the common species that lives in the apartment. Also known as window spider, or centipede.

The rounded abdomen is the body of a spider; eight legs join it. The length of the legs reaches 5 centimeters, which significantly exceeds the length of the abdomen, which is 1 centimeter.

Nets for prey scattered around the premises in disarray are the work of the haymaking spider's paws. He is always next to the web and waiting for small insects to get into it. When this finally happens, the haymaker injects poison into the body of his victim, thereby paralyzing her body, and then simply starts eating.

His favorite place in the house is near the window or in a dark corner. Most often hangs upside down. If a large insect, unsuitable for feeding, approaches its web, he begins to swing it.

Home spider

Home spider

Domestic spiders are much smaller than the first in size: the body length does not exceed 14 millimeters. The web they weave is like a pipe. The peculiarity of this variety is that after eating a captured insect, they restore their network for fishing. Therefore, it usually has a complex and intricate design. Another interesting fact is that the female remains in the web to wait for prey.

Dimensions of a tramp spider

Dimensions of a tramp spider

And another sight found in the house is the tramp spiders, which penetrate the room through open doors and windows. They are similar in size to centipedes, have a long body and the same long legs. But this species has one significant difference - they do not need a web. Suddenly rushing to the victim and injecting poison into it, the tramps feed on their prey and move to a new location. For a long time in the apartment they do not linger.

Are spiders dangerous?

Are spiders fraught with danger?

Spiders bite. But are their bites really harmful? Let's figure it out.

In fact, almost all spiders found in nature are poisonous. But due to the fragility of the body structure and small fangs, the harm from their bites for a person is reduced to almost zero. There is neither intoxication nor inflammation. Treat the bite site with a product that contains alcohol, or with regular hydrogen peroxide and forget about unrest.

But still, these insects do not bear any benefit.And the house, in which there are many spiders, looks scruffy and neglected. And here it doesn’t matter whether they bite or not. The main thing is to understand how to get rid of spiders in the apartment.

Fight with spiders

Fighting spiders: basic methods and measures

To begin work on removing spiders from the house, you should close access to your home.


And you can block the path only by closing all unnecessary gaps. But the smallest hole in the house is an opportunity for the spider to get inside. Therefore, it is simply necessary to close all openings, repair window nets and ventilation grilles.

The main methods of getting rid of spiders include the following.

  • Reduce the brightness of window lighting by acquiring blinds. This will cease to attract insects and, accordingly, the spiders that feed on them.
  • To carry out cleaning in secluded and inaccessible corners. House spiders arrange nests in such places: under the bed and behind the closet. The eggs that you find in these places need to be burned.
  • Shoot the entire web along with its owners. Excellent in this case, a wet mop with a mop.
  • Destroy flies, bugs, cockroaches - in general, all insects that can become food.
  • Use an ultrasonic repeller or chemical agent to control spiders.
  • Keep clean and tidy so that the problem cannot return.
  • Humidify the air in the house.

There are folk remedies that were in honor with our grandmothers. They will easily and simply answer the question of how to get rid of spiders.

Such means, of course, do not have scientific confirmation, but they often cope with the assigned task no worse than chemical ones.
Tea Tree Essential Oil
For some reason, spiders do not like pungent odors, and this is what you need to play.

  • Hazelnuts, chestnuts and orange fruits scare them away with the smell. Broken or fragmented - these products must be put in those places where there is an accumulation of arachnids.
  • The smell of mint is also unbearable for a spider. You can easily get out of this situation by simply adding a few drops of peppermint essential oil to the sprinkler.
  • The pungent smell of tea tree or eucalyptus will scare off the spiders for a long time. As well as vinegar, sprinkled around the room or diluted in water and standing in one of the corners of the kitchen.

Such procedures should be carried out regularly. Indeed, only in this case they will bring the expected effect.

Thus, it becomes clear where the spiders come from and why it is worth getting rid of them, and how much it is necessary, everyone will have to decide for himself in a particular situation, because the spider is a house resident who brings not only harm, but also benefits.

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  1. Kristina
    06/11/2024 at 20:11 Reply

    but we have cockroaches and spiders are no exception on the balcony


