What is a dust mite dangerous and how to get rid of it?

No matter how you try to maintain cleanliness and order in the house, but dust is still an integral companion of human life. She herself and the various microorganisms that inhabit it, including a house dust mite.

Dust mite

What is a tick?

This is a microscopic organism with a maximum size of half a millimeter, which is impossible to see with the naked eye. Accordingly, it cannot be crushed, like a cockroach, not driven out the window, like a bee. Therefore, it is important to know how to deal with dust mites in other ways.

The tick feeds on dead skin particles and a woolen pile from furniture, blankets, clothes, likes moist and not too cool places. Therefore, human housing is the most favorable place for his life. The largest accumulations of mite will be where dust is able to accumulate - these are carpets and carpets, mattresses, pillows, blankets, nooks behind furniture and in it, where your hands rarely reach when cleaning.

Dust allergy

What is dangerous?

In the human body and in the environment there are many microorganisms. Some of them are useful, others are completely harmless, and still others can lead to various diseases and poison life in every way. Specifically, a dust mite is a powerful allergen. Unlike forest ticks, the bite of which is dangerous with encephalitis, you should not be afraid of dust tick bites - they are too small for this. The danger is represented by the products of their vital functions, which can cause a lot of problems for a person, causing:

  • allergy (all its types - contact, respiratory, food);
  • asthma
  • irritation of the skin and mucous membranes of the body;
  • mucosal inflammation;
  • conjunctivitis.

The average number of ticks per gram of dust is a hundred. And in such quantities they are relatively harmless to the human body. If there are more than 500 per gram, then this can already cause asthma attacks. When ticks are more than 1000 per gram of dust - this often leads to allergies and chronic runny nose. Elderly people, children and those whose immunity is already weakened for some reason are especially prone to problems with well-being due to a dust mite.


The last group of people prone to allergies in principle or a specific dust allergy should keep appropriate medications at home to help alleviate the condition, and consult a doctor regularly.

Wet dust

Methods of struggle

It is unlikely to completely get rid of dust mites. Firstly, because of their small size, and secondly, because of the high breeding rate - several dozen eggs in 2-3 months of life. But in the power of man to reduce the tick population to a minimum.

  1. Like many other organisms, house dust mites can not tolerate too high or low temperatures. They will be killed by washing in hot water (from 60 degrees), airing clothes on a hot summer day in direct sunlight, or hanging them in the cold and cleaning with snow. Of course, mattresses, pillows and blankets on natural fluff are not very washable, but even airing will help reduce the number of ticks. If this does not harm the fabric, the product can be ironed with a hot iron or steamed.
  2. In order not only to remove dust, but also to disinfect the room, it is recommended to periodically wash floors and baseboards with saline (about 10 tablespoons of salt are required per bucket, which can also be replaced with soda or used together).
  3. Upholstered furniture with fabric upholstery is recommended to be replaced with a covering made of leather or leatherette.
  4. No matter how pleasant the blankets and pillows on natural down and feathers are, but a huge number of ticks accumulate in them, so their replacement with synthetic ones is desirable. Firstly, in them the tick feels a little less comfortable, and secondly, they can be washed without damage to the product itself.
  5. Children's toys must be regularly shaken and washed, it does not matter whether children use them or they simply stand beautifully on a shelf.
  6. It is recommended to wash unused utensils in sideboards periodically with hot water or rinse with boiling water if its material does not suffer from this.
  7. A vacuum cleaner is best purchased with aquafiltration or at least a washable filter.
  8. All books on shelves and cabinets must be cleaned from dust as often as possible.
  9. How to get rid of dust mites to the maximum? It is recommended to use devices that allow disinfecting the room (for example, ultraviolet lamps) and air conditioners, the filter of which can catch and absorb small particles.

Cleaning in the living room

Tick ​​Prevention

Manufacturers of household chemicals for combating ticks offer various tools for processing furniture in the apartment and preparations that must be added when washing things. With regular use, the amount of funds needed per treatment is reduced.

If bed linen is changed regularly, clothes are often washed, then decorations made of fabric, for example, tapestries, heavy and multi-layer curtain structures hang in rooms for longer. Yes, maybe there isn’t much dirt on them, but the dust, and therefore the dust mites, accumulate in large quantities there, so curtains should be washed more often, or even completely abandoned in favor of plastic blinds.

From the heat of the vacuum cleaner motor, the mites begin to multiply at an accelerated pace, so the more often the filter is freed from accumulated dust, the better. It is important to ventilate the rooms regularly. It is sometimes useful not to make a bed at least for some time after getting up or even all day.

Allergy Inhalation

What to do with allergies?

Symptoms that may occur with allergies:

  • frequent sneezing
  • watery eyes;
  • runny nose;
  • dyspnea;
  • labored breathing.

These symptoms are quite universal, and in addition to allergies, they can indicate a number of colds. But if it is obvious that this is not SARS and not the flu, then they most likely speak of an allergic reaction. Do not think that all these manifestations will only cause a person slight discomfort. In severe and advanced cases, even death from suffocation is possible.

In many cases, dust allergy attacks can be eliminated without regular intake of expensive drugs, it will be enough to maintain cleanliness in the apartment. But if regular and thorough cleaning did not help, then self-medication is not worth it, you need to see a doctor.

The further a person lives from highways, railways and all possible enterprises that emit some kind of waste from their production into the environment, the less dust will be in the room and the less, respectively, ticks and insects. Therefore, one of the ways to improve well-being can be to move to a more favorable place.

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