How to quickly and efficiently separate the yolk from protein in chicken and quail eggs?
If to prepare a dish according to the recipe, it is not the whole eggs that are required, but only their specific parts, the hostess has a question how to separate the yolk from the protein without damaging the components. There are several effective ways, all of them guarantee a quick result, and the choice depends on personal preferences. Regardless of the approach, you first need to prepare the ingredient.
Only fresh eggs are suitable for dividing into parts, their components easily depart from each other, avoiding even the slightest mixing. The selected products must be kept in the refrigerator for at least a quarter of an hour, laid out on a plate. After that, they need to be washed quickly in cool water, dried and proceed with separation.
How to separate the yolk from protein in traditional ways without additional tools?
Despite the appearance of special devices, many housewives today prefer to act exclusively with their hands. This is quite fast, and if you manipulate correctly, the risk of mixing the contents is minimal.
- Just successively break the eggs and carefully lay out their contents in the bowl. From it, we catch the yolks with our fingers, which we transfer to another container. In this case, it is recommended to wear gloves made of very thin rubber, then the film of the yolk will definitely not tear.
- Egg yolk can be removed even easier. We break the egg not in a bowl, but in our own hand, remove the shell. Hold your hand over a clean container and unclench your fingers so that the protein stacks and the yolk stays in the palm of your hand.
- If the eggs are homemade and very fresh, then gently break the shell so that the break passes clearly along the central part of the product. Holding the object vertically, we divide the shell into two halves (we carry out the procedure over a clean container), we wait until the bulk of the protein drains. Then we pour the contents from one half to the other several times, getting rid of the remains of the protein substance.
If in advance you need to immediately prepare a large amount of protein, and the fate of egg yolks is not so important, it is recommended to freeze the eggs. To do this, just hold them in the freezer for 2-3 hours. An hour before the cooking process, we take out the eggs from the freezer, peel them and lay them in a wide bowl. We keep it at room temperature for about an hour, until all the proteins melt and take on the familiar appearance. We collect yolks, they can be used for making sandwiches without any heat treatment.
How can you separate the yolk from the protein using a plastic bottle or other improvised devices?
It is no less easy and simple to achieve the desired result with the help of tools that can be found in any kitchen. Here are the most popular and affordable methods:
- Separate the yolks with a bottle. We break the egg and put it on a flat plate. Take a pre-washed and dried plastic bottle, press on its sides, releasing a little air and hold. The neck is brought closer to the surface of the yolk and release the sides. The egg yolk is easily absorbed into the container, after which it will just need to be transferred to another container.
- Using a funnel. The use of a finished funnel made of plastic is allowed, but only if there are no sharp edges and irregularities on its inner surface.But still it is better to use a device made of paper or thin cardboard with your own hands. We twist the sheet like a funnel, lower its narrow part into a glass, break an egg into the device and wait until all the protein has drained and the yolk remains.
- Using a spoon. Eggs with yolks in a dense film are poured into a glass, and then removed with a spoon. The method is quick, but the risk of mixing the components is still quite high.
Tip: All tools must be washed in cold water and dried before use. This will prevent not only contamination of the component, but also the launch of chemical reactions leading to product spoilage (for example, protein folding).
Small chicken eggs are prone to dismounting with the slightest mechanical impact, so when working with such products, you should try the option of making holes. We take the egg, hold it vertically, with a needle or with the sharp tip of a knife, make a small hole in the shell at the upper pole. Turn the product over a clean bowl and make a smaller hole in the other pole. We wait until all the protein flows out, break the shell and spread the whole yolk.
Is it possible to separate the yolks from the proteins of quail eggs and how to do it right?
These methods are not suitable if you need to divide the quail eggs. Even with gloved hands, the risk of damage to the thin film holding the yolk is too high. Instead, you can try one of the following approaches:
- Spoon for olives. The easiest way is to break the eggs into a small capacity container, and then catch them with a miniature spoon. In the center of the fixture is a hole through which the remaining protein flows. If you have the appropriate skills, you can initially break the egg into a spoon, this ensures the most accurate result.
- Spoon with strainer or strainer. We break a tiny egg onto a mesh surface. If the product is fresh, then the protein should easily leak through the holes. If the eggs lay slightly and the protein does not drain, then you need to slightly roll the product on the surface so that the protein mass saturates the holes. After that, we remove the yolk, and collect the protein by blowing holes or rubbing them with a finger.
- Syringe. When you just need to collect the yolk and it does not matter in what condition it will be, it is allowed to use a syringe without a needle. Just collect the yolk, then pour it into another container.
Possessing such simple skills will allow you to easily divide the eggs into components and use the components for their intended purpose. If the substances tightly stick together and do not release each other, then the component is better to throw away. Such consequences are characteristic of a stale product or violation of its storage conditions.
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