Why does dust appear in the air and where does it come from?

Many housewives are concerned about the question of where the dust comes from, because after a couple of hours after a thorough cleaning in the apartment, tiny particles begin to soar in the air or form a thin film on horizontal and vertical surfaces. Moreover, this happens even in conditions of closed windows and doors. Many argue that fighting the phenomenon is useless. In part, this is true, but there are several recommendations that will keep the problem to a minimum. And this is a very important point in ensuring the normal life of young children, allergy sufferers and asthmatics.

finger dust

What is dust and where does it come from in a closed room?

Dust is microscopic solid particles suspended in the air and gradually settling on the surface of any type. Answering the question of where the dust comes from, one can say with confidence - from everywhere. About 70% of this composition is supplied by nature, at least 30% - by man. In the case of natural factors, particles of land, sand from deserts, salt of sea water, ashes from active volcanoes and forest fires come first.

In addition, the dust contains the remains of space wastes, particles of flower pollen, and waste products of humans and animals. Thanks to the activity of mankind, burnt particles of gas, oil, wood and coal, and other types of mineral fuels are also emitted into the atmosphere.

dust mite

Another integral component of dust is dust mite. These microscopic parasites live in every apartment and feed on particles of human skin falling off the surface of the epidermis every minute. Fighting microscopic organisms is almost useless. True, they practically do not cause a person any inconvenience, only allergy sufferers react very sharply to their vital functions.

Even knowing where the dust comes from, it is impossible to prevent this process. Closed windows and doors, daily cleaning and specialized events will not stop this phenomenon. Dust does not accumulate only in a vacuum, provided that there is no air movement. At home, this process can only be reduced to the extent that allows you to feel the optimal level of purity.

dust on the floor

Factors causing dust accumulation in the room

The very first step in the prevention of dust accumulation in an apartment is the elimination of stimulating factors. These include:

  1. Carpets They will have to be abandoned if there is no time or desire to vacuum the products daily.
  2. Unnecessary things. Do not hang and lay out objects that are not used every day in a house. It is better to put everything on shelves and get it as needed.
  3. Such a hobby as collecting items must be arranged correctly. You should not just arrange the original figures on the shelves, you need to keep them behind sealed glass.
  4. Massive curtains, canopies. If there is no intention of knocking out or vacuuming these products every day, it is better to hang compact curtains or laconic blinds instead.
  5. Natural materials should be replaced with synthetic analogues. This is especially true of flooring in the apartment, woolen elements (they also add fibers to the dust).


After such simple events, the atmosphere will noticeably clear. But for an ideal order this is not enough, you will have to carry out a few more useful manipulations.

How to get rid of dust: features of cleaning

After assessing the situation and understanding where the dust comes from, you can start cleaning the room. First of all, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • We collect all unnecessary things scattered or hung around the apartment, put them in tightly-closing cabinets, glass windows or throw them away.

Tip: To store figurines, crystal and other small items, it is strongly recommended not to use compartments that are constantly used or differ in the original arrangement of glass, leading to the formation of cracks. A steady draft will only accelerate the accumulation of dust deposits, decorative items will have to be cleaned every week.

dusting the sofa with a vacuum cleaner

  • Upholstered furniture is necessarily processed. It can be vacuumed or knocked out using a moist layer.
  • Curtains, if possible, are processed by a steamer. If the products are not very massive, then a good iron will also cope with this task. This approach will allow not only get rid of dust, but also to disinfect overall products, to conduct their unscheduled cleaning.
  • If there is not enough freshness in the air, you should think about breeding indoor plants with cleansing properties. Leaves of existing plantings should be wiped with a damp cloth and sprayed, if care does not prohibit this.
  • Animals need to be combed regularly, wash their paws after staying on the street.
  • Mandatory cleaning of carpets, pillows and decorative textiles.
  • For processing vertical and horizontal surfaces, you need to use devices that provide wet cleaning. It is not possible to get rid of dust with standard dry cleaning. Do not forget about televisions, mirrors, skirting boards, cornices, top cabinets.

To increase the cleaning efficiency for the duration of the manipulations, it is recommended to place the ventilation windows in the ventilation mode. All windows must first be protected with a mosquito net that blocks street dust from entering the apartment.

tired girl from cleaning

The most effective dust control tools

The process of combating dust deposits can be greatly simplified if innovative technical devices are used correctly. The following tools and devices will help maintain cleanliness:

  • Humidifier. In a room with pathologically low humidity, the dust is suspended in the air, so it causes maximum inconvenience. Professional or home-made humidifiers will help to fix the situation, then the particles will settle quickly, it remains only to remove them with a napkin.
  • Hydrometer. A device that allows you to control moisture. Too high moisture in the atmosphere is also not a plus. It provokes the appearance of mold, which is to some extent even worse than dust.
  • Vacuum cleaner with aquafilter. An indisputable advantage of the device is the fact that it not only guarantees high-quality cleaning of surfaces, but also reduces the amount of dust in the air by filtering it.
  • Membranes for windows. Perfectly protect from dust and insects from the street, allowing you to easily ventilate the room.
  • Air wash. Great alternative to humidifier. It also allows you to control and regulate the humidity level in the room, but it also cleans the air of dust, microorganisms, pollen in the spring.
  • Antistatic polishes. They will not reduce the amount of dust, but at least prevent its accumulation on furniture.

Compliance with simple recommendations and proper cleaning will greatly facilitate the life of all households, reduce the risk of allergies and skin diseases, and help strengthen immunity.

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